The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) is advising consumers that a limited number of boxes of Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie Pint Slices are being recalled because they may contain Vanilla Peanut Butter Cup Pint Slices. Peanuts are not listed on the outer product packaging. People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity […]readmore
Rhode Island one of six states to receive the prestigious Virginia Apgar Award The March of Dimes presented Rhode Island with its Virginia Apgar Prematurity Campaign Leadership Award at a ceremony this morning for the state’s dramatic reduction in the rate of preterm births, a health issue closely tied to brain, lung, hearing, and vision […]readmore
DALLAS, primero de mayo del 2017 – Alrededor de uno de cada tres adultos estadounidenses experimentó un síntoma consistente con una advertencia o un "mini" ataque o derrame cerebral, pero casi ninguno – solo el 3 por ciento - tomó la acción recomendada, de acuerdo a una nueva encuesta de la American Heart Association/American Stroke […]readmore
La American Heart Association Reconoce el Mes Nacional de la Salud de las Minorías con Resultados Principales de la Encuesta Sobre las Creencias de la Reanimación Cardiopulmonar Solo con las Manos Entre las Poblaciones Minoritarias La American Heart Association y La Fundación Anthem se unen para «cambiar las percepciones» sobre la realización de la reanimación […]readmore
Victoria Rakel Heimer-McGinn Brown University Etapa Académica: Academic Postdoc Primary Scientific Interest: Neurobiology, Neuroscience or Cognitive sciences About Me: I am interested in the molecular basis of synaptic function and neuronal circuitry, particularly in the framework of neuropsychiatric diseases like schizophrenia and mood disorders, which are also accompanied by cognitive impairments. I am currently studying […]readmore
Nuestra salud con el Dr. Pablo Rodríguez. Tema salud Mental Hablando acerca de la integración de la Salud mental en las clínicas de salud primaria y salud familiar. El impacto de la salud mental en nuestra salud física.readmore
The event will take place on April 30 at Goddard Memorial State Park in Warwick, RI Warwick, RI – The Autism Project will host its fifteenth annual Imagine Walk & Family Fun Day for Autism on Sunday, April 30th at Goddard Memorial State Park in Warwick, Rhode Island. Registration for the Walk begins at 9AM […]readmore
Warwick, RI – La decimoquinta Caminata anual Imagine y dia de diversión familiar organizada por The Autism Project, tendrá lugar el domingo 30 de abril en Goddard Memorial State Park en Warwick, Rhode Island. La inscripción para la caminata comienza a las 9 de la mañana y la invitada especial, Danielle North de WPRI 12 […]readmore
WASHINGTON – U.S. Congressman David N. Cicilline (D-RI) and U.S. Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) today criticized President Donald Trump and Washington Republicans for moving forward with legislation to eliminate health care coverage for 59,400 Rhode Islanders over the next ten years. «Trumpcare is a great deal for the wealthy, insurance companies, and drug companies. It’s […]readmore
Leadership from hospitals and emergency departments throughout Rhode Island joined Governor Raimondo’s Overdose Prevention and Intervention Task Force today to release a first-in-the-nation set of statewide guidelines to save lives by ensuring consistent, comprehensive care for opioid-use disorder in emergency and hospital settings. “Ensuring that people who are living with the disease of addiction get […]readmore