Podcast Síntomas que te alertan de una infección vaginal • Secreción diferente de la normal. • Dolor al tener relaciones sexuales. • Flujo con mal olor • Comezón e inflación en el área. • Irritación y enrojecimiento. • Ardor al orinar. Los tipos de infecciones vaginales más frecuentes Candidiasis. Es una de las infecciones más […]readmore
Fresh fruit is preferable for older children because it provides dietary fiber and less sugar than juice, according to updated policy statement Fruit juice offers no nutritional benefit to children under age 1 and should not be included in their diet, according to a new policy statement issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics that […]readmore
Dr. Francisco “Paco” Trilla, Chief Medical Officer, Neighborhood Health Plan of RI Noel Hernandez, Community Care Coordinator, Neighborhood Health Plan of RI Grace Gonzalez, Manager of Membership Outreach, Neighborhood Health Plan of RIreadmore
Vienna, Austria – 9 May 2017: A study in 65 countries has revealed low adoption of International Atomic Energy Agency recommendations to reduce nuclear cardiology radiation exposure. The research is presented today at ICNC 2017 by Dr Edward Hulten, a cardiologist at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, USA.1 Nuclear cardiology uses small […]readmore
Podcast Pre-Eclampsia affects pregnant women at the end of their pregnancies and can kill both mother and baby, with Isaac Lopez Brown Medical Student and Dr. Pablo Rodriguez.readmore