DW El número de fallecidos hoy es el más bajo de los últimos nueve días y representa un 10% menos que ayer. «Es una noticia importante porque permite a nuestros hospitales respirar». El número de pacientes en cuidados intensivos ha disminuido por primera vez en Italia desde la explosión de la pandemia hace más de […]readmore
VOA News By Margaret Besheer NEW YORK – Forty percent of all U.S. coronavirus cases are concentrated in New York state, where the death toll hit a new single-day high of 562 on Friday. «You have more deaths, you have more people coming into hospitals than any other night,» Governor Andrew Cuomo told reporters in the […]readmore
VOA News By Steve Herman WHITE HOUSE – All Americans should wear nonmedical masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the U.S. government is recommending. The new guidelines, from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention amid the coronavirus pandemic, were announced Friday by President Donald Trump. Trump stressed the recommendation was voluntary and […]readmore
Governor Gina M. Raimondo and Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH, the Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) provided an update today on the state’s response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis. All Rhode Islanders who have symptoms of COVID-19 are urged to call a healthcare provider to coordinate a test. The symptoms of […]readmore
VOA NEWS Según expertos de salud, el estado de Nueva York está a una semana de alcanzar el peor punto en la crisis de salud que ha colocado a Estados Unidos como el país con el mayor número de casos a nivel mundial, con mas de 290.000 infectados. El coronavirus acabó con la vida de 630 […]readmore
VOA News By Steve Herman WHITE HOUSE – A national stay-at-home directive was rejected by U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday, but he said he might order airlines to stop flying between coronavirus hot spots. «It’s very tough. You have them going from hot spot to hot spot,” said the president at a briefing for reporters […]readmore
41 U.S. Senators send letter urging Trump Admin to remove needless barriers that could prevent eligible senior citizens and others from getting direct payments from CARES Act Trump Administration should not try to bury seniors in paperwork in order to access the benefits they are entitled to and that IRS & Social Security Administration should […]readmore
VOA News By Carolyn Presutti Much has been written of the warning signs, symptoms and dangers of COVID-19. But what is it like to live through an active infection? Several sufferers share their stories, day-by-day medical conditions, thoughts and observations with VOA’s Carolyn Presutti in this second installment of a bi-weekly series chronicling life with the […]readmore
VOA News By Steve Herman WHITE HOUSE – The United States should be prepared to endure 100,000 to 240,000 deaths from the #COVID-19 coronavirus over the next two months even if Americans continue to keep their distance from each other. The peak number of deaths will come over the next two to three weeks, according to the White […]readmore
VOA News By Masood Farivar WASHINGTON – Just days after Congress approved a record $2.2 trillion in emergency economic aid to offset the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, the Trump administration is racing to get the money out to hundreds of millions of Americans and millions of businesses reeling from the crisis. The mega relief package […]readmore