RFI – Basketball star Brittney Griner blazed a trail as a US Olympic champion and LGBTQ pioneer before her career was abruptly disrupted by her arrest and imprisonment in Moscow in a Cold War-style standoff between the United States and Russia. The 32-year-old’s nine-month ordeal — which unfolded against the backdrop of soaring tensions over […]readmore
RFI – Washington (AFP) – La estrella del baloncesto estadounidense Brittney Griner, que permaneció detenida en Rusia durante nueve meses, fue liberada el jueves en el marco de un intercambio de prisioneros con el traficante de armas ruso Viktor Bout, encarcelado durante diez años en Estados Unidos. El intercambio tuvo lugar el jueves en el aeropuerto […]readmore
RFI – María Carolina Piña El presidente estadounidense Joe Biden confirmó que la basquetbolista “está a salvo” y en camino de regreso a su país. Estados Unidos y Rusia intercambiaron prisioneros este jueves 8 de diciembre, entre ellos la estrella del baloncesto estadounidense Brittney Griner y el traficante de armas ruso Viktor Bout, según anunciaron respectivamente […]readmore
CNN – (CNN Español) — Brittney Griner, quien fue liberada este jueves tras su detención en Rusia en febrero de este año, es una de las grandes estrellas del baloncesto femenino de Estados Unidos y es, además, una figura que se ha abierto camino en escenarios tan dispares como los murales callejeros de Phoenix y la Casa Blanca. […]readmore
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Host Dr. Pablo Rodriguez welcome for the first time twins on Medical Apprentice readmore
Katie Brooks is this week’s Medical Apprentice. She speaks fluent Spanish and said that she decided to become a doctor later in life. While in college she majored in Political Science, taking classes in sociology and Hispanic Studies. She also worked as a social worker in Philadelphia, working primarily with AIDs patients. Through her interactions […]readmore
Brown Medical Student, Isha Parulkar, MD sits down with Dr. Pablo Rodriguez. Isha says that she decided to pursue a career in medicine because she thought it was very important to give back to the community. She has a background in Art History and says that she is very interested in pursuing a specialty in dermatology. […]readmore
LPR’s host of Medical Apprentice, Dr. Pablo Rodriguez, interviewed Gretel Terrero who is a 3rd year student at Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University. Miss Terrero discussed the issues of premature labor and answered questions from listeners that called in. “Aprendiz Medico” (Medical Apprentice) is a partnership between Latino Public Radio, Warren Alpert Medical […]readmore