William Gallo President Barack Obama is delivering his seventh and final State of the Union address, touting his accomplishments as president, focusing on his vision for the country’s future and discussing the need to heal its deep political divides. Speaking to a packed House of Representatives chamber in the U.S. Capitol, Obama acknowledged that the […]readmore
WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Tuesday received the endorsement of MoveOn.org, a grassroots organization that has been at the forefront of liberal causes. MoveOn says the Vermont senator was supported by 78.6 percent of its membership in an online vote of more than 340,000 members. Hillary Clinton received 14.6 percent and […]readmore
For the seventh and final time of his presidency, Barack Obama will stand before Congress and the American public to lay out his vision not only for his remaining months in office, but for the future of the United States. “Not just the remarkable progress we have made, not just what I want to get […]readmore
VOA NEWS – South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley will give the Republican response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday. The honor is usually given to someone viewed as a rising star in the party, which aptly describes Haley. Haley – born Nimrata «Nikki» Randhawa on January 20, 1972, in Bamberg, […]readmore
Congressman Jim Langevin announced today that he will bring Tim Hebert, the President and CEO of Atrion, as his guest to President Obama’s final State of the Union address. Atrion is a Warwick-based IT services firm that provides, among its solution areas, cybersecurity offerings around perimeter security, compliance and information protection. “Cybersecurity is an issue […]readmore
WASHINGTON – Carol and Peter McKenna, the parents of U.S. Army Special Forces 1st Sgt. P. Andrew McKenna Jr., who was killed in Afghanistan last summer, will attend the State of the Union Address as the guests of U.S. Congressman David N. Cicilline (D-RI). “We are honored to be attending the State of the Union […]readmore
WASHINGTON—«America can do anything,” President Barack Obama said Saturday, previewing a theme of his final State of the Union address this week. The president and his Republican critics will differ in assessing the past seven years and clash on what the United States needs going forward. Obama sees progress made and a stronger foundation on […]readmore
DES MOINES, Iowa – Bernie Sanders gives Democrats the best chance to win the White House in 2016 because he performs significantly better than Hillary Clinton against Republican presidential candidates. “Sanders runs markedly better than Clinton” against Donald Trump and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, the leaders in their party’s field of candidates in […]readmore
VOA – El senador Bernie Sanders se desempeñaría mejor que Hillary Clinton en una hipotética contienda final contra cualquiera de los principales candidatos republicanos –Donald Trump, Ted Cruz y Marco Rubio. Según la más reciente encuesta de NBC/WSJ/Marist, Clinton le ganaría a Trump en una elección general, pero no a Cruz ni a Rubio. En […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Governor Gina M. Raimondo today announced Richard Culatta as Rhode Island’s first Chief Innovation Officer. Culatta will lead an effort to find better approaches to provide more opportunities for all Rhode Islanders, and improve government services, while reducing costs and increasing transparency. «Part of creating opportunities for all Rhode Islanders is putting […]readmore