Associated Press NORTH CONWAY, NEW HAMPSHIRE—Answering a question this week about climate change during a campaign stop in New Hampshire, Ted Cruz was worlds apart from the scientific consensus that sees a world that is warming because of human activity. Here are some of the Republican presidential candidate’s claims and how they compare with the […]readmore
Carolyn Presutti A U.S. senator on Wednesday questioned recent executive actions on gun control, saying he thought President Barack Obama was overstepping his authority and «trying to get around the law.» Senator Richard Shelby, an Alabama Republican who was conducting an Appropriations subcommittee hearing on the executive orders, said the nation’s founders sought «to ensure […]readmore
PAWTUCKET – U.S. Congressman David N. Cicilline (D-RI), who serves on the House Judiciary Committee, issued the following statement after the Supreme Court announced it will hear a challenge to President Barack Obama’s executive action to protect millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation: «I welcome the Supreme Court’s decision to hear this case and resolve […]readmore
Real-estate mogul Donald Trump leads the Republican field by a 17 percent margin, according to this week’s NBC/SurveyMonkey online tracking poll. Support for the three leading GOP candidates was virtually unchanged since last week’s survey, with Trump, at 38 percent of support, comfortably beating out Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) at 21 percent and Sen. Marco […]readmore
VOA News Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has endorsed Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, saying Tuesday «the status quo has got to go.» Palin, Republican Senator John McCain’s running mate in the 2008 election won by Democrats Barack Obama and Joe Biden, appeared at a Trump rally in Ames, Iowa, ahead of the state’s Feb. […]readmore
VOA News January 19, 2016 12:38 AM The U.S. presidential campaign is focused on the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses on February 1, and the candidates used the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday to hold rallies and campaign events. Fresh off a Sunday night Democratic presidential candidate debate in Charleston, South Carolina, former Secretary of State […]readmore
VOA News British lawmakers debate Monday a petition signed by more than 500,000 people seeking to ban U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump from Britain. Last month Trump, a billionaire real estate developer and frontrunner among Republican candidates, prompted international outrage by calling for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States «until our […]readmore
Chris Hannas The Democratic candidates running in this year’s presidential election agreed Sunday that the implementation of the nuclear deal with Iran and release of U.S. citizens represent a positive step in relations, while also calling on countries in the Middle East to do increase their role in the fight against Islamic State. Former Secretary […]readmore
Voz de América – Redacción Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders y Martin O’Malley llegaron al debate demócrata preparados para responder. El encuentro, llevado a cabo en Charleston, Carolina del Sur, fue el último debate demócrata antes de las asambleas partidarias de Iowa que darán inicio al proceso de elecciones primarias en Estados Unidos. La precandidata demócrata […]readmore
Voz de América – Redacción – El presidente Barack Obama otorgará Medallas Nacionales de Ciencia y Medallas Nacionales de Tecnología e innovación a 17 científicos, ingenieros, matemáticos e innovadores, el próximo viernes 22 de enero. La Medalla de Ciencia, que se otorga anualmente, reconoce a los individuos que han hecho contribuciones extraordnarias a la ciencia, […]readmore