PROVIDENCE, R.I. – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Sunday focused on climate change and other critical issues in a speech to more than 7,000 supporters two days before Rhode Island Democrats go to the polls. The crowd here in the Ocean State, where climate change is a key issue, cheered Sanders’ call for bold action […]readmore
Hillary Clinton discussed her plans to raise incomes, fight for equal pay for women, and break down the barriers that hold families back – a contrast with Donald Trump’s belief that wages are too high – an organizing event in Rhode Island on Saturday, April 23. The transcript of Clinton’s remarks «Wow. I am so […]readmore
Providence – Sophia Miranda fue juramenta como gobernadora la mañana del viernes en la casa estatal por la magistrada de la corte suprema Maureen McKenna Goldberg. En su mensaje como Gobernadora la joven dijo a la prensa que su experiencia fue fabulosa, “he conocido muchas personas de diferentes culturas y nacionalidades, uno nunca tiene la […]readmore
PODCAST Biografía: nació En México y obtuvo una maestría en política internacional en el instituto de estudios internacionales de Middlebury en Monterrey en California. Antes de formar parte del equipo de la campaña de Hillary Clinton, Jorge trabajo con el senador Harry Reíd como asesor y portavoz donde implementó la estrategia para medios hispanos del […]readmore
Providence, RI – Today, Hillary for Rhode Island began airing a radio ad featuring Senator Jack Reed. In the ad, Reed discusses Clinton’s experience and proven record of achieving results at home and abroad. The ad highlights Clinton’s foreign policy experience and ability to keep our country safe, as well as her record of working […]readmore
WASHINGTON, DC — In an effort to keep families in their homes and minimize foreclosures, U.S. Senator Jack Reed today announced an additional $26,942,913 in foreclosure prevention funding will be coming to Rhode Island from the Hardest Hit Fund (HHF) program at the U.S. Treasury Department. This follows the $9,680,817 in additional HHF funding released […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – Miles de ciudadanos de Rhode Island votaran el próximo martes 26 de abril para escoger delegados a las convenciones nacionales del partido demócrata y el republicano, y para señalar su preferencia por el candidato presidencial de cada partido, respectivamente. A lo largo del estado se habilitaran 144 centros de votación para la […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – Thousands of Rhode Islanders will vote on Tuesday, April 26, to elect delegates to the Democratic and Republican National Conventions and to signal their choice for either party’s Presidential candidate. Statewide, 144 polling places will open for next Tuesday’s election. This is approximately one-third of the polling places available during regularly scheduled […]readmore
*The new ad highlights Clinton’s longtime commitment to the Latino community* Providence, RI – Today, Hillary for Rhode Island began airing its first Spanish-language radio ad. The ad, “Diversidad,” highlights how Clinton has been standing with Latino families in Rhode Island and across the country throughout her career. The ad reminds voters of the stakes […]readmore
BURLINGTON, Vt. – Ahead of Rhode Island’s primary on April 26, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ campaign on Tuesday released a new ad in the Ocean State. «There are two democratic visions for regulating Wall Street,» says Sanders in Two Visions ( . «One says it’s okay to take millions from big banks, and then tell […]readmore