Keida Kostreci WASHINGTON — The 2016 election campaign is unusual on many fronts, but one aspect of it is truly historic. For the first time, a major U.S. party nominated a woman – Democrat Hillary Clinton – as its presidential candidate. Since the U.S. is at the forefront of efforts to promote women’s empowerment and advancement […]readmore
WASHINGTON — Concerned about the outcome of the U.S. presidential race, the world has been watching closely as Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump tout their plans for handling terrorism and other global issues. A former secretary of state known as a hawk on foreign policy, Clinton says she wants to use “all the tools […]readmore
Steve Herman STATE DEPARTMENT — U.S. government officials deny that any deal was proposed between the State Department and the FBI to change the classification of a Hillary Clinton email in exchange for allowing more of the bureau’s agents to be posted overseas. “We dispute the assertion that there was any kind of quid pro quo […]readmore
VOA News WASHINGTON — The wife of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is defending her husband from condemnation generated by his bragging to a television host about forcing himself on women without their consent. In an interview broadcast Monday night on CNN, Melania Trump alleged that her husband was “egged on” by the TV personality, then […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI- La Secretaria de Estado Nellie M. Gorbea le está recordando a los ciudadanos de Rhode que tienen hasta las 4 de la tarde el día martes,18 de octubre para solicitar una papeleta para votar por correo en las elecciones generales el 8 de noviembre. «Como una madre que trabaja, he tenido días de […]readmore
ROVIDENCE, RI – Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea is reminding Rhode Islanders that they have until 4 p.m. on Tuesday, October 18, to apply for a mail ballot for the November 8 General Election. “As a working mom, I have had election days when I’ve had to run from work to be with the […]readmore
STATE HOUSE — Rhode Island House Minority Caucus members have announced the latest ratings from the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), Rhode Island’s largest small business association, which recently released its legislative rankings for the 2015-16 session of the General Assembly. According to the advocacy group, RI House Republicans rank among the highest for […]readmore
VOA News Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said Tuesday he is probably better off without the support of «weak and ineffective» people within his party, including House Speaker Paul Ryan. He said in an interview on Fox News that Ryan and other members of Congress were «being nasty» to him and not supporting his candidacy. […]readmore
Ken Bredemeier U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is vowing to finish the last weeks of his run for the White House on his own terms. Trump is undeterred by party leaders’ abandonment of his campaign after the widespread airing of a 2005 videotape in which Trump makes crude comments about women and boasts of […]readmore
Elizabeth Lee VOA News LOS ANGELES — Farid Khanlou owns Jordan Market in an area of Los Angeles called Persian Square. It’s packed with Persian businesses, many of which fly the country’s flag from before the 1979 Iranian revolution. In this heart of the Iranian-American community, the largest group of Iranians abroad, there are many who […]readmore