VOA/Masood Farivar WASHINGTON — Why is the FBI conducting the probe? All presidential appointees undergo a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background check — called a Special Inquiry (SPIN) — before their names are sent to the Senate for confirmation. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh had undergone six such checks as part of previous government appointments. […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – La Secretaria de Estado Nellie M. Gorbea le recuerda a los residentes de Rhode Island elegibles para votar que tienen hasta el domingo 7 de octubre para inscribirse para votar en las elecciones generales del 6 de noviembre. A los votantes que se han mudado o se han cambiado sus nombres desde […]readmore
Recently, A string of cybersecurity breaches have threatened the privacy of Americans. According to one recent headline, Facebook said “…it discovered a security breach that affects nearly 50 million user accounts. The issue, found by Facebook’s engineering team, allowed hackers to steal Facebook access tokens (equivalent of digital keys that keep people logged in to […]readmore
US Senate candidate Bob Flanders released the following statement today about Sheldon Whitehouse directing Judge Kavanaugh’s false accuser to the media: “On September 24, 2018 Sheldon Whitehouse wrote to the Senate Judiciary Chairman Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) and ranking minority member Diane Feinstein (D-California). He told them that he had alerted the FBI about an […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – President Barack Obama endorsed Governor Gina Raimondo today for reelection. “I am honored to have the support of President Obama. For eight years, President Obama brought much-needed change to our nation. He strengthened the economy and passed the Affordable Care Act to provide millions of Americans with access to health care,” […]readmore
VOA/Patsy Widakuswara WHITE HOUSE — U.S. President Donald Trump has postponed a highly anticipated meeting to discuss the tenure of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. The president, who is reportedly considering firing the man who oversees the special investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, will meet with him next week. White House Press […]readmore
VOA/Michael Bowman CAPITOL HILL — The first woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her decades ago provided detailed and emotional testimony Thursday before a Senate panel, saying she is “100 percent” certain of her attacker’s identity and that she feared Kavanaugh was «going to accidentally kill» her during the alleged ordeal. […]readmore
VOA News The first woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her decades ago provided detailed and emotional testimony Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee, saying she thought Kavanaugh was «going to accidently kill me» during the alleged ordeal. Accuser Christine Blasey Ford recalled a 1982 house party that she attended […]readmore
Providence, Rhode Island (September 27, 2018)– The Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence (RICAGV) opposes gubernatorial candidate Allan Fung’s plan to “place a School Resource Officer or police detail at every school” in Rhode Island and “split the cost with each city and town.” School resource officers and police details are expensive and provide […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Rhode Island will be voting against more compensation packages for corporate executives if the pay is not aligned with company performance, state treasurer Seth Magaziner announced today. «At a time when income inequality has grown to alarming levels in our country, investors like the pension fund should not be paying enormous salaries to […]readmore