VOA News Sin votos en contra, fue aprobado el proyecto de ley de enmiendas constitucionales, que, entre otras modificaciones, permite al presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, postularse en 2024 a otros dos mandatos de seis años. La Duma del Estado o Cámara de Diputados de Rusia aprobó este miércoles (11.03.2020) de manera definitiva el proyecto de […]readmore
Bernie’s Revolution Failed Against. The New Amigo, Biden’s strong showing has made him the party’s nominee. readmore
The Democratic National Committee says it is making the move “at the request of both campaigns and out of an abundance of caution.”readmore
VOA News Los candidatos presidenciales demócratas, Bernie Sanders y Joe Biden, anunciaron las cancelaciones de sus presentaciones de este martes en Cleveland, Ohio, según anunciaron sus respectivas campañas. «Por preocupación por la salud y seguridad públicas, estamos cancelando la concentración de esta noche en Cleveland», dijo el portavoz de Sanders, Mike Casca en un comunicado. […]readmore
VOA News By Katherine Gypson WASHINGTON – In 2016, Michigan gave Sen. Bernie Sanders one of the most surprising primary wins in U.S. political history. In 2020, the self-described democratic socialist will need another boost from Michigan to revive his campaign to secure the Democratic presidential nomination over his lone remaining major rival, former Vice President […]readmore
VOA News By Ken Bredemeier WASHINGTON – The race for the U.S. Democratic presidential nomination has narrowed to two competitors after Super Tuesday voting — resurgent former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, a self-declared democratic socialist long at odds with the party establishment. The voting across 14 states also forced former New York […]readmore
VOA News Joe Biden obtuvo una serie de victorias del Supermartes en estados clave del sur de Estados Unidos, aprovechando el impulso que ha revivido rápidamente su campaña presidencial demócrata en los últimos días. Bernie Sanders respondió con victorias en su estado natal de Vermont y en Colorado, cuando la carrera comenzó a cambiar hacia el oeste, donde las urnas apenas comenzaban […]readmore
VOA News By Ken Bredemeier WASHINGTON – Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden won three states — Virginia, North Carolina and Alabama — while Senator Bernie Sanders captured his home state of Vermont in the first results from Tuesday’s Democratic presidential nominating contests in 14 states. Biden’s victories, projected by cable television networks as the polls […]readmore
VOA News By Ken Bredemeier WASHINGTON – Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden picked up three key endorsements Monday from former rivals for the Democratic presidential ticket, adding momentum to his campaign ahead of voting in primaries in more than a dozen states known as Super Tuesday. U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar ended her bid for the […]readmore
VOA News By Chris Hannas Voters cast ballots Tuesday as the competition for the Democratic presidential nomination expanded significantly with contests in 14 U.S. states. About one-third of the delegates that will be awarded during the state-by-state voting process are up for grabs Tuesday, including the biggest pot of candidates at stake in the western state […]readmore