VOA News By Julie Taboh TAKOMA PARK, MARYLAND – Classical music drifts on the breeze through a quiet neighborhood in Takoma Park, Maryland. On a side porch at a nearby house, a group of musicians perform as a clutch of people lean against trees and sit on stoops, a comfortable distance from each other. The music, […]readmore
VOA News By Cecily Hilleary WASHINGTON – Fred Willie doesn’t like to call himself a healer or a medicine man — “I’m just Fred Willie. Most people just call me ‘Uncle Fred.’” A member of the Navajo Nation, he frequently travels to other reservations to perform healing ceremonies and hold sweat lodges. He was visiting the […]readmore
Mientras, ya hay más de 80,000 personas muertas por el COVID-19, según los últimos datos de la Universidad de Johns Hopkins Washington – El número de personas contagiadas por el coronavirus en Estados Unidos superó este sábado los 300,000, con más de 8,000 muertos en todo el país, según los últimos datos de la Universidad de […]readmore
VOA News By Lisa Schlein GENEVA – The Switzerland-based Universal Postal Union says the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing the United States to suspend delivery of international mail to nearly two dozen countries. They include the Cayman Islands, Honduras, India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Botswana. The U.S. Postal Service is asking customers to refrain from sending items […]readmore
VOA News By Fern Robinson The long journeys of two cruise ships that experienced COVID-19 outbreaks are finally coming to an end in Florida. The Zaandam and Rotterdam were docked in Port Everglades on Thursday when at least 13 passengers and one crew member were transported to local hospitals to be treated for the coronavirus. Other […]readmore
VOA News By Margaret Besheer NEW YORK – Forty percent of all U.S. coronavirus cases are concentrated in New York state, where the death toll hit a new single-day high of 562 on Friday. «You have more deaths, you have more people coming into hospitals than any other night,» Governor Andrew Cuomo told reporters in the […]readmore
VOA News By Steve Herman WHITE HOUSE – All Americans should wear nonmedical masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the U.S. government is recommending. The new guidelines, from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention amid the coronavirus pandemic, were announced Friday by President Donald Trump. Trump stressed the recommendation was voluntary and […]readmore
VOA NEWS Según expertos de salud, el estado de Nueva York está a una semana de alcanzar el peor punto en la crisis de salud que ha colocado a Estados Unidos como el país con el mayor número de casos a nivel mundial, con mas de 290.000 infectados. El coronavirus acabó con la vida de 630 […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), the Ranking Member of the Armed Services Committee, says a national, coordinated stay-at-home agreement by all fifty states and U.S. territories is needed to effectively combat the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). While Constitutional authority to enforce public health interventions lies primarily with the states, Senator Reed is urging President […]readmore
VOA News By Steve Herman WHITE HOUSE – A national stay-at-home directive was rejected by U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday, but he said he might order airlines to stop flying between coronavirus hot spots. «It’s very tough. You have them going from hot spot to hot spot,” said the president at a briefing for reporters […]readmore