Massachusetts – En Brockton, un hombre que salió de prisión hace dos semanas uso un Rosario para ahorcar a una de dos mujeres que supuestamente violo con un espacio de media hora. Documentos de la corte muestran que Roberto Ruffini de 38 años recogió a una de las mujeres que conocía el domingo y amenazando con […]readmore
Massachusetts – El agente especial encargado de la división de Boston del Buró Federal de Investigación FBI es un experto en contrainteligencia.. El Director del FBI James Comey nombro a Harold Shaw al puesto. Shaw quien empieza a trabajar en Octubre, reemplaza a Vincent Lisi quien se retiró la semana pasadareadmore
Massachusetts – Continúan las investigaciones para determinar la identidad de la niña de 4 años cuyo cuerpo fue encontrado en una bolsa de basura en la orilla del Puerto de Boston en Junio pasado y a quien llamaron Baby Doe. Resultados preliminares indican que la niña paso tiempo en Nueva Inglaterra y en otros lugares de […]readmore
Massachusetts. Una ex niñera Irlandesa está siendo deportada luego de que la fiscalía desestimara un cargo de homicidio en su contra por la muerte de una niña de 1 año después de que la oficina del médico forense revisara el caso y determinara que la pequeña murió por una condición médica no diagnosticada. La Agencia de […]readmore
VOA News South Carolina will seek the death penalty against the white man charged in the June killings of nine black people at a Charleston church, court documents showed Thursday. Dylann Roof, 21, faces multiple charges including nine counts of murder, three counts of attempted murder and a weapons charge for the June 17 shooting […]readmore
DALLAS—Texas abortion providers asked the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday to hear their challenge to the state’s restrictions on abortions that they contend are aimed more at shutting clinics than protecting women’s health.A U.S. appeals court in June upheld the main provisions of the Texas abortion law including one requiring clinics to have certain hospital-grade […]readmore
VOA News Hundreds of protesters gathered outside a federal courthouse in Kentucky where a local county clerk faces charges for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis defied last month’s court order to resume issuing marriage licenses to all eligible couples, straight or gay, a practice she stopped after […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Governor Gina M. Raimondo has appointed Dr. Nitin Padture to the Atomic Energy Commission (the Commission). «Atomic energy is not only one of the nation’s alternative energy sources, but it is also one of the future’s great hopes for advancements in medicine, biotechnology, physics, material science, and other engineering and technology fields,» […]readmore
Providence, RI – August 31, 2015 – Ella Gonzalez of North Kingstown has been named the Director of National Accounts at the Providence Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau (PWCVB). She is responsible for marketing Providence and Warwick to potential meeting and convention planners as well as managing current clients in the mid-Atlantic region of the […]readmore
Lisa Schlein GENEVA—The United Nations Children’s Fund(UNICEF) says the number of women and children fleeing countries of violence heading for Europe has increased sharply in recent months. UNICEF says those arriving in the gateway country of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has tripled in the past three months. According to UNICEF, some 3,000 people […]readmore