Associated Press December 28, 2015 GAZA CITY, GAZA STRIP—Authorities in Gaza say that a Palestinian man has died from his wounds after being injured by Israeli gunfire last week.Police say the man had a farm near where the clashes occurred on Friday but was not involved in the violence. Police said he was shot in […]readmore
Victor Beattie December 28, 2015 Republican U.S. Congressman Peter King (NY) said that while the U.S.-led airstrikes against the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq have had some impact, it has been minimal given how long the air campaign has gone on. King’s remarks Sunday on U.S. television followed a purported audio recording by […]readmore
VOA News Chicago police fatally shot a 19-year-old male student and a 55-year-old mother of five Saturday. Both victims were African American. The shootings are the latest in a city that is already under a U.S. Justice Department investigation for the brutal shooting of a 17-year-old African American male last year by a white police […]readmore
Lou Lorscheider Last updated on: December 28, 2015 Violent weekend weather battered large swaths of the southern and central United States, leaving at least 43 people dead. Tornadoes killed at least 11 people in Texas as other areas of the country braced for potentially crippling winter storms and flash flooding. One of several tornadoes that […]readmore
Providence – Dos Bomberos y tres mujeres debieron ser hospitalizados la madrugada del domingo, las mujeres quedaron atrapadas en el segundo piso de la casa y sufrieron principio de asfixia dos son discapacitadas. Los bomberos uno se disloco el brazo y el segundo sufrió asfixia severa. El humo se propago rápidamente por el segundo piso. […]readmore
Rhode Island – La policía de Providence anuncio el apresamiento de hombre acusado de alegadamente tratar de quemar un Centro Cultural la noche del sábado. Según las autoridades, el sospechoso fue detenido por miembros de la policía cuando llegaron a la iglesia. En el lugar se efectuaba una actividad cultural al momento del incendio. El […]readmore
Providence – Un hombre resulta apuñala tras una discusión en la ciudad de Providence. Según amigos de la víctima, el sospechoso se dio a la fuga en un carro rojo. El apuñalado esta condición establereadmore
PAWTUCKET – U.S. Congressman David N. Cicilline spent the Christmas holidays in Baghdad, Iraq where he thanked American troops for their service and sacrifice during the holiday season. During his visit, Cicilline met and had dinner with Rhode Islanders who are among the 3,000 American troops currently serving in Iraq. Cicilline, who serves on the […]readmore
Providence – Bomberos de la ciudad de Providence han rescatado a tres personas del segundo piso en el incendio de una vivienda en la calle Calla a las 4:30 de la madrugada. Los rescatados fueron atendidos por inhalación de humo en el Hospital Rhode Island.readmore
Rhode Island – Hoy: Una probabilidad de lluvias, principalmente después de 4pm. Áreas de niebla antes de 11am. Si no, nublado, la máxima alrededor de 60. Viento del suroeste de 6 a 14 mph. La probabilidad de precipitación 30%. Nuevas cantidades de lluvia menos de un décimo de una pulgada es posible. Esta Noche: Una […]readmore