Rhode Island – Una empleada de Jeremy’s Pizza dice que fue amarrada en el baño , abusada sexualmente y dejada semi desnuda luego de llevarse su cartera y el dinero del negocio, la Noche del Anoo Nuevo, por tres sujetos La mujer de 35 anoos dice que los hombres entraron al local en la Avenida […]readmore
Massachusetts – En Auburn, la Policía Estatal de Massachusetts esta investigando luego de encontrar el cadáver de David LaRoche de 48 años de Oxford, la mañana del martes en un área boscosa a lo largo de la Interestatal 290 en Auburn. La Roche fue encontrado por sus parientes que habían salido a buscarlo. El estaba […]readmore
Massachusetts – La madre de la pequeña de 2 años a la que bautizaron como Baby Doe cuyo cuerpo fue encontrado en el Puerto de Boston en una bolsa se declaró no culpable a un cargo de complicidad relacionado con la muerte de la criatura. Según la autoridades, Rachelle Bond ayudo a su novio a […]readmore
Massachusetts – En Boston, un juez federal desestimo la demanda por casi $10 millones entablada por la familia de un hombre que fue asesinado por el mafioso James Whitey Bulger y su grupo en e1974, en contra de del gobierno. La demanda alegaba que el ex Agente del FBI John Connolly Jr. supo por décadas […]readmore
LPR – Attorney General Peter F. Kilmartin announced that Joshua Rathbun (age 41), formerly of Westerly and currently of Utah, was sentenced today by Superior Court Justice Melanie Wilk Thunberg to 40 years, with 25 years to serve and the remainder suspended with probation, for child molestation. In addition, Rathbun was ordered to have no […]readmore
LPR – Governor Gina M. Raimondo and the Rhode Island Commerce Corporation announced the unanimous approval Greystone of Lincoln, Inc. to enter into the first Qualified Jobs Incentive Tax Credit agreement, which will lead to the creation of 25 manufacturing jobs. Greystone is a manufacturer of high volume, precision computer numerical control (CNC) tuned parts, […]readmore
VOA News January 06, 2016 7:29 AM A U.S. Marine is appealing his conviction in the death of a transgender Filipino woman, his lawyer said Wednesday. Lance Corporal Joseph Scott Pemberton was found guilty of homicide in December for killing Jennifer Laude after he found out she was a transgender woman. Judge Roline Ginez Jabalde […]readmore
Associated Press January 06, 2016 SAN FRANCISCO—Despite the potential for flooding and mudslides, storms moving toward California were welcome news for a state suffering from a severe drought. But officials warned against reverting to old water-use habits. As the first of the storms drenched the state on Tuesday, authorities cautioned that even the wettest of […]readmore
The City of Providence and the Rhode Island Zoological Society announced the recent signing of a twenty year lease and operating agreement. The new document is similar to the previous ten year agreement, which benefits both Roger Williams Park Zoo and the City. «This long term, continuing agreement is mutually beneficial for both parties,» said […]readmore
Washington D.C. – Last night, the CARA Family Detention Pro Bono Project succeeded in halting the deportation of four Central American families apprehended by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) over the weekend, who had been scheduled for deportation this morning. Based on interviews with the families, who are currently detained at the South Texas Family […]readmore