Recent peaceful elections in Côte d’Ivoire and increasing economic stability demonstrate the progress made in the West African country, the Security Council has been told. On Wednesday, the Council was updated on the presidential elections that took place in Côte d’Ivoire late last year, as well as other security and reconciliation matters. The country fell […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – El Alcalde de Providence Jorge O. Elorza donó hoy más de 275 teléfonos móviles a la Oficina de la Procuraduría General para su campaña de reciclaje de teléfonos que apoya a las víctimas de violencia doméstica y a la Coalición contra la Violencia Doméstica de Rhode Island (RICADV por sus siglas en […]readmore
Providence, Rhode Island – The Narragansett Bay Estuary Program and the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) are pleased to announce that more than $815,000 in grants will fund eleven projects aimed at protecting and restoring water quality in the Narragansett Bay watershed. These grants will support municipalities and nonprofit agencies, in both […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza today donated more than 275 decommissioned mobile phones to the Attorney General’s Office for their phone recycling drive to support victims of domestic violence and the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence. «The City is proud that these old and unused cell phones will now assist in the […]readmore
Bernard Shusman NEW YORK—In early December, 2015, Muslims and their beliefs become the hottest, most incendiary topic in the U.S. presidential election campaign. “Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of all Muslims entering the United States,” announced Republican candidate and frontrunner Trump, making his position and thinking about Muslims very […]readmore
Un nuevo reporte reveló que más de 750 mil centroamericanos indocumentados se podrían beneficiar de una extensión del Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS, por sus siglas en inglés). El reporte avala una serie de peticiones que van desde organizaciones comunitarias hasta precandidatos a la presidencia y líderes en el Congreso, que consideran necesario otorgar el […]readmore
Un grupo de 180 cubanos salieron de Costa Rica en un vuelo hacia El Salvador, como parte de un programa designado para ayudar a los migrantes que quieren viajar a Estados Unidos. El grupo estuvo varado en Costa Rica por más de un mes después que Nicaragua cerró sus fronteras diciendo que Costa Rica había […]readmore
Rhode Island – Colonel Steven G. O’Donnell, Superintendent, of the Rhode Island State Police and Commissioner of Public Safety, announces the arrest of four subjects on marijuana distribution charges by the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Task Force. In November 2015, a complaint was received regarding individuals at the Elevated Lounge, located at 15 […]readmore
Jamie Dettmer Turkey’s military says it has killed 307 Kurdish separatists in recent weeks in counter-terrorism operations in southeastern Turkey, but the toll has also been great on civilians. Rights groups say 162 civilians, including 32 children, have been killed since August in districts where the military has imposed 24-hour curfews. Rights group Amnesty International […]readmore
CENTRAL FALLS – On January 11, 2016, Officer Nicholas Parker was patrolling the Sacred Heart Avenue area and observed a black Cadillac traveling upon the roadway with heavy rear-end damage and an indistinguishable registration plate affixed. A traffic stop was initiated and during the course of the investigation Officer Parker located and seized a silver […]readmore