Heather Murdock RIYADH—At an outdoor cafe in the Saudi Arabian capital, 28-year-old Abdullah looks nervous, but says he is happy to chat with two female reporters. As we sit down at one of the empty tables, the manager comes outside and asks us to leave. Like most places in the popular dining district, it is […]readmore
Zabihullah Ghazi JALALABAD, AFGHANISTAN—The Islamic State group in Afghanistan has added new programming to its radio broadcasts that the Afghan government has failed to take off the air. The IS-run FM station “Voice of the Caliphate,” which broadcasts from a remote mobile transmitter on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, this week added Dari broadcasts to its lineup. […]readmore
VOA News The wife of a Chinese editor who recently went missing was summoned by Chinese officials for questioning Tuesday, just hours before she was scheduled to discuss her husband’s case live on international television. He Fangmei said Friday that she last spoke to her husband, Li Xin, former opinion editor for the liberal-leaning Southern […]readmore
Associated Press LANSING, MICH.—Environmental and civil rights groups are asking a federal judge to order the prompt replacement of all lead pipes in Flint’s water system to ensure residents of the Michigan city have a safe drinking supply. A lawsuit filed Wednesday morning seeks an order forcing city and state officials to remedy alleged violations […]readmore
Pamela Dockins BEIJING—The United States and China agreed Wednesday to work together to ensure that North Korea ends its nuclear-weapons program, but high-level talks in Beijing indicated the two sides disagree on whether and what sort of sanctions to use against Pyongyang following its underground nuclear test three weeks ago.U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, […]readmore
Michael Bowman CAPITOL HILL—U.S. lawmakers are expected Thursday to take another step toward boosting sanctions on North Korea when a Senate panel votes on a package of punitive measures weeks after Pyongyang claimed to have tested a hydrogen nuclear bomb.“It will put in place mandatory sanctions against North Korea itself, but also those entities that support […]readmore
Ken Bredemeier Law enforcement officials had surrounded the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge on Wednesday after a violent confrontation the day before with protesters who had been occupying the wildlife refuge in the northwestern state of Oregon for nearly a month. U.S. authorities on Tuesday killed one protester and arrested eight others who had been demanding […]readmore
Jeff Seldin WASHINGTON—U.S. military forces are on the ground in Libya looking for potential partners in what could soon be an expanded campaign against the Islamic State (IS) terror group. «There have been some U.S. forces in Libya trying to establish contact with forces on the ground,» Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook told reporters Wednesday. […]readmore
Mary Alice Salinas WHITE HOUSE—The Obama administration has unveiled new actions it says will ensure that low-income children who are at higher risk of food insecurity and poor nutrition get the food they need to grow, learn and succeed in America. Each year nearly 22 million low-income children in the U.S. get free or reduced-price […]readmore
WASHINGTON – El congresista estadounidense David N. Cicilline (D-RI), quien ha abogado por la re-promulgación de la Ley del Buen Samaritano de Rhode Island, emitió hoy la siguiente declaración: «La adicción a la heroína y otros opiáceos representa la mayor crisis de salud pública que hemos visto en décadas. Las muertes por sobredosis se han […]readmore