PROVIDENCE – Antes de que los ciudadanos de Rhode Island voten el 26 de abril en la Primaria de Preferencia Presidencia, la secretaria de etado Nellie M. Gorbea proveerá varias oportunidades para que alleyos votantes que no cuentan con una identificación fotográfica valida puedan obtener una tarjeta de identidad de votante GRATIS de parte departamento […]readmore
Councilor Cano, Women’s Groups Celebrate Women’s History Month at Old Slater Mill PAWTUCKET – Joined by Rhode Island Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea, the YWCA RI, Day One, Quota International, Women’s Fund of Rhode Island and members of the Pawtucket Police Department, Pawtucket City Councilor Sandra Cano, hosted a celebration of Women’s History Month at […]readmore
WASHINGTON, DC – In an effort to ensure that Rhode Island’s emergency responders and their federal partners are prepared to react to a range of crises and security challenges — from plane crashes to natural disasters to a mass-shooting – U.S. Senator Jack Reed today announced that the state is eligible for over $7 million […]readmore
Cranston – «The goal of the operations conducted by the Cranston Police Department, in concert with Federal, State and local law enforcement agencies, was to identify individuals profiting from trafficking young men and women for sex and to assist the victims in obtaining the resources they desperately need to escape a life of misery and […]readmore
Announced Project Utilizes Federal and State Grants to Connect Areas of Economic Activity PROVIDENCE, RI – Mayor Jorge Elorza today joined Governor Gina Raimondo, the Rhode Island Congressional Delegation, representatives from the Federal Transit Administration, RIPTA, RIDOT and community stakeholders to announce plans for a 1.4-mile Enhanced Transit Corridor in Downtown Providence. «This project is […]readmore
VOA News Turkish security officials said Monday that a woman who was a Kurdish militant was one of the two suspected suicide bombers who carried out the deadly blast in Ankara that killed at least 37 people and injured another 125. The authorities did not name the woman, but said she was born in 1992, lived […]readmore
NORTHERN IRAQ—An American member of Islamic State has surrendered to Kurdish Peshmerga forces in northern Iraq, near the town of Sinjar. Sarbaz Hama Amin, a Kurdish Peshmerga commander in Iraq, told VOA his forces noticed the suspect while on patrol Monday. “Our Peshmergas who were patrolling the frontline said they saw something unusual and started […]readmore
Carol Guensburg WASHINGTON-Pressure is growing for the Obama administration to formally determine whether the Islamic State group is committing “genocide” against Christians, Yazidi and other religious and ethnic minorities in the Middle East. The U.S. State Department faces a Thursday deadline set last year by Congress, whose lower House of Representatives on Monday will vote […]readmore
Michael Bowman At any moment, President Barack Obama could name his pick to fill the Supreme Court vacancy created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia last month. Reports from the White House say the president has narrowed his list of potential nominees as the vetting process enters a final phase – even as Senate […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI: Los estudiantes latinos pueden solicitar becas estudiantiles superiores a $1.500.000 en la Rhode Island Foundation. Este dinero ayuda a los estudiantes a pagar sus gastos educativos, como matrícula, tasas y libros. «Cada una de estas becas estudiantiles hace realidad los sueños tanto de quienes donan el dinero como de quienes lo reciben,» dijo […]readmore