Colonel Steven G. O’Donnell, Superintendent of the Rhode Island State Police and Commissioner of Public Safety, announces that the Rhode Island State Police have arrested eight (8) subjects for Operating While Intoxicated over the course of the weekend. The following is a list of subjects, who were arrested for Operating while Intoxicated: David R. Motta, […]readmore
By Carmen Russo Washington – U.S. Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-5), Chair of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, today announced that Task Force member Rep. David Cicilline (RI-1) will now serve on the Task Force as one of 13 Vice Chairs. The Vice Chairs and Thompson comprise the Task Force’s leadership team. «33,000 Americans […]readmore
Judith Vazquez 7/13/2016 Judith (Tirado) Vazquez, 76, of New Bedford passed away peacefully at home on Wednesday July 13, 2016 surrounded by her loving family. She was the wife of Santos Vazquez.Born in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, the daughter of the late Jose and Josefa (Robles) Tirado, she lived in New York before moving to […]readmore
By Carmen Russo RI Nets $17.776M Federal Grant to Help Fund Hiring Of 95 Firefighters Over $15M for Providence to fund hiring of 80 firefighters & $2.76M to help Cranston fill 15 firefighter positions WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse and U.S. Representatives Jim Langevin and David Cicilline today joined with […]readmore
By Carmen Russo Senate clears bill to promote prevention, treatment, and recovery from opioid addiction Fundamental shift in American drug policy heads to President’s desk to be signed into law Washington, DC – Today, the Senate adopted the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act conference report, giving final approval to legislation that addresses the addiction crisis […]readmore
By Carmen Russo PROVIDENCE, RI – Mayor Jorge O. Elorza joined members of the City Council, Parks Superintendent Wendy Nilsson, Director Joe Salem from Roger Williams Park Services, Rhode Island Foundation Senior Vice President of Strategy and Community, Jessica David and community project partners Cara Burgess, Victor Burgess, and Ed Raff in a ribbon cutting […]readmore
By Carmen Russo CENTRAL FALLS – During the early morning hours of July 12, Officers were following up on information of a wanted person staying in a basement apartment on Chestnut Street. Upon their arrival, the man in question attempted to identify himself as his father of the same name and gave his father’s date […]readmore
By Carmen Russo WARWICK, R.I. – State politicians lifted their shovels Monday for the groundbreaking ceremony of T.F Green’s runway extension project. The ceremony marked the official beginning of an airport improvement initiative to add 1,500 feet to the end of Runway 523, which will allow for longer flights. “We’re going to soon be able […]readmore
Harold and Virginia Lash Scholarships will support students in nursing, bioengineering, computer science, management information systems, and English By Cramen Russo UMass Dartmouth announced that the Harold G. Lash Revocable Trust has donated $1 million to the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Foundation to support the Harold and Virginia Lash Scholarships. “This generous gift will provide […]readmore
USDA, Private Partners to Restore 1,700 Acres of Young Forests in Six New England States, Enhancing Habitat for New England Cottontail and Other Species By Carmen Russo WASHINGTON, July 11, 2016 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today released a new three-year conservation strategy to help restore declining forest habitat in the Northeast, […]readmore