Colonel Steven G. O’Donnell, Superintendent of the Rhode Island State Police and Commissioner of Public Safety, announces that the Rhode Island State Police have arrested nine (9) suspects for Driving While Intoxicated over the course of the weekend. The following is a list of those arrested: Amanda L. Luiz, age 26, of 11 […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Governor Gina M. Raimondo, joined by Chief Innovation Officer Richard Culatta and local education leaders, will visit the Bootstrap Summer Camp at the Academy for Career Exploration (ACE) in Providence. According to the state Department of Labor and Training, by 2022, there will be more than 4,000 openings in computer and […]readmore
ROVIDENCE, RI – Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea today announced the official launch of her new Online Voter Registration (OVR) portal at and in Spanish at With the August 14 voter registration deadline for the September State Primary just two weeks away, eligible Rhode Island voters can now securely register to vote […]readmore
Providence – “I do not support placing this question before the voters. The administration has yet to provide concrete plans on how the money will be used. Promises of future oversight from the very councilmembers that were prepared to create multi-million dollar council-controlled slush-funds provides no assurance that this money will be spent wisely. City […]readmore
Chris Hannas Turkish forces detained 11 soldiers Monday who are suspected of attacking a hotel where President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was staying during an attempted coup in mid-July. The captures were made near the resort town of Marmaris, and followed the detention last week of several other soldiers accused of targeting Erdogan. The president had […]readmore
VOA News A group of twenty gunmen inside a police station in the Armenian capital of Yerevan have surrendered to authorities, ending a tense, two-week standoff that left two police officers dead and several people wounded. The gunmen, members of a radical opposition group, surrendered one day after police said they would storm the building. […]readmore
VOA News Safety tests on the net that would catch Luke Aikins indicated that the risk-motivated American skydiver might not survive the seven kilometer jump without a parachute. To come out alive, he had to navigate throwing himself from a plane above California’s Simi Valley on Saturday, reaching terminal velocity (193 km/hour) in a belly-to-earth […]readmore
VOA News A Russian military helicopter was shot down Monday in northwestern Syria, killing all five people on board. Russia’s defense ministry said the transport helicopter was hit as it returned from delivering humanitarian aid to the city of Aleppo, and that the dead included two officers and three crew members. «As far as we […]readmore
Un helicóptero ruso de transporte que regresaba de la asediada ciudad de Aleppo fue derribado el lunes en la provincia de Idlib, Siria. El Ministerio de Defensa ruso dijo que todavía no sabe la suerte que han corrido las cinco personas —dos oficiales y tres tripulantes—que viajaban a bordo de la aeronave, un helicóptero Mi-8. […]readmore
Dos personas murieron el sábado a causa de una intempestiva riada en las calles del pueblo histórico de Ellicott City, cercano a Baltimore, Maryland, que arrasó con todo lo que encontró a su paso. Videos tomados con teléfonos y colgados en las redes sociales muestran cómo la correntada arrastró aceras, arrancó el pavimento, dio vueltas […]readmore