EE.UU. y Noruega trabajan en una iniciativa de desminado en Colombia a un plazo de cinco años, informó el secretario Kerry. El secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos John Kerry elogió la relación de su país con Colombia y los esfuerzos de ambos países para la estabilidad de la región latinoamericana. Al término de la […]readmore
El gobierno de Turquía pidió este martes la detención y extradición del clérigo Fethullah Gulen, quien vive en Pennsylvania y es acusado de instigar el intento de golpe de Estado del pasado 15 de julio. El ministro de Justicia turco, Bekir Bozdag dijo que la documentación explica por qué es necesario arrestar al clérigo de […]readmore
VOA News Certain licensed gun holders are now allowed to carry concealed handguns into Texas’ public college classrooms after a new law went into effect on Monday. Supporters of the controversial measure say it can help prevent mass shootings, while critics claim it could endanger safety on school campuses. The «campus carry» law, pushed by […]readmore
VOA News To celebrate the 50th anniversary of U.S. diplomatic relations with Singapore, the country’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is joining President Barack Obama at a state dinner in the White House on Tuesday evening- the first held for a Singaporean leader since 1985. The two leaders spoke to the press outside the White […]readmore
Carla Babb VOA News PENTAGON—The U.S. military has conducted airstrikes against Islamic State targets in Libya, the Pentagon said Monday. The strikes were conducted in the Islamic State stronghold of Sirte at the request of the U.N.-backed Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA), according to U.S. and Libyan officials. The Pentagon says the president authorized […]readmore
El Pentágono anunció que el presidente Barack Obama autorizó los bombardeos y que la campaña de ayuda durará hasta que el Gobierno de unidad libio lo requiera. El Pentágono anunció que el ejército estadounidense condujo ataques aéreos contra el grupo Estado islámico en Libia por pedido del propio gobierno libanés. El secretario de prensa del […]readmore
El presidente Barack Obama intenta promover la aprobación por parte del Congreso del tratado de libre comercio con 12 países de la cuenca del Pacífico aprovechando la visita del primer ministro de Singapur, Lee Hsien Loong, a Washington que culmina este martes con una cena de estado. La aprobación del tratado parece cada vez más […]readmore
DES PLAINES, Ill. – The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) today released its annual Hot Wheels report which identifies the 10 most stolen vehicles in the United States. The report examines vehicle theft data submitted by law enforcement to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and determines the vehicle make, model and model year most […]readmore
Providence, RI – On Wednesday, August 3, at 10 a.m., Senator Sheldon Whitehouse will join with leaders from Rhode Island’s recovery community and law enforcement for a soft opening of CODAC Behavioral Healthcare’s new facility co-located within The Providence Center on North Main Street. CODAC and The Providence Center have joined forces to provide complementary […]readmore
The Downtown Providence Parks Conservancy hosts outdoor performances by the Providence-based contemporary dance company Providence, RI – The Downtown Providence Parks Conservancy (DPPC), the public-private partnership responsible for stewardship and programming in Greater Kennedy Plaza, will host Doppelgänger Dance Collective for two days of outdoor performances on August 9th and 11th, as part of their […]readmore