CENTRAL FALLS – On August 16, 2016 members of the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) executed a court authorized search warrant upon the fourth floor apartment of 33 Sumner Avenue. Upon entry into the dwelling the target of the investigation, Digna Manon (19) of Central Falls was located and placed into custody. A systematic search was […]readmore
Voz de América Cathy Lanier deja atrás un legado en la capital estadounidnese, donde se granjeó el cariño desde comunidades asoladas por el crimen hasta el escenario nacional. La jefa de Policía de Washington, D.C., Cathy Lanier, anunció que renunciará a su puesto el mes próximo para aceptar un cargo como jefa de seguridad de […]readmore
Voz de América Una colección de poderosas herramientas de hackeo desarrolladas por la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional, NSA, apareció misteriosamente en internet, lo que podría comprometer las operaciones de la agencia de espionaje y poner en riesgo las computadoras del gobierno y las de las corporaciones. Un archivo con las herramientas apareció primero en línea […]readmore
VOA News Vice President Joe Biden warned the Kosovar government Wednesday of the «cancer» of corruption, during his first visit to the Balkans since 2009. «I’m here today to affirm the United States is going to continue to stand with the people of Kosovo on your journey to become a prosperous, peaceful and multi-ethnic democracy,» […]readmore
VOA NEWS Authorities in the western U.S. state of California ordered the evacuation of more than 82,000 people after a rapidly spreading wildfire broke out Tuesday north of San Bernardino. Fire officials do not know what caused the fire, but about 12 hours after it began they said it had already burned more than 6,000 […]readmore
Sirwan Kajjo VOA NEWS WASHINGTON — Pushed from their strategic stronghold of Manbij in northern Syria in recent days by U.S.-backed forces, retreating Islamic State fighters are scrambling over how and where to next make a stand. Islamic State militants are becoming increasingly trapped in pockets along the Turkish border and are reportedly resorting to desperate […]readmore
VOA News Russian warplanes flew from Iran to carry out airstrikes in Syria for a second day Wednesday. The Russian Defense Ministry said the strikes originating from Hamedan airbase targeted Islamic State militants. The first round of airstrikes Tuesday were aimed at Islamic State as well as the jihadist group Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, formerly […]readmore
VOA News A Brazilian judge ordered Wednesday that American swimmers Ryan Lochte and James Feigen not leave the country, stating that they gave conflicting testimonies regarding a robbery earlier this week. Ryan Lochte and three other American swimmers said they were robbed at gunpoint early Sunday by thieves posing as police officers who stopped their […]readmore
Ramon Taylor VOA News NEW YORK — Oscar Morel, accused in the execution-style murders of two Muslim men over the weekend, was arraigned Tuesday in the New York City borough of Queens. Morel, a 35-year-old Hispanic man, was formally charged with one count of first-degree murder, two counts of second-degree murder and two counts of criminal […]readmore
Steve Baragona VOA News As recently as 2014, you could drive into the parking lot at certain Virginia polling places, connect to the voting machines inside by wifi and have your way with the vote tallies. That gaping hole in election security has been plugged. Virginia dropped these machines last year. But with Republican presidential […]readmore