VOA News President-elect Donald Trump renewed Sunday his unsubstantiated allegations of vote fraud in the election he won earlier this month. He wrote in Twitter that he would have defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton in the nationwide popular vote «if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.» Four hours later, he called into question […]readmore
VOA News Police in the midwestern U.S. city of Columbus say at least nine people were injured on the campus of Ohio State University when an attacker drove a vehicle into a crowd of pedestrians and then began stabbing them. The suspect was shot and killed by police. «We have to consider that it is […]readmore
STATE HOUSE — State Representative Robert B. Lancia (R-District 16 Cranston), along with his wife Maryann, will host the 2nd annual ‘Hope for the Holidays’, a benefit to support the ‘Gotta Have Sole’ Foundation. Gotta Have Soul Foundation Inc.’s mission is to provide children living in shelters across the United States with brand-new footwear to […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – Governor Gina M. Raimondo and Health and Human Services Secretary Elizabeth Roberts today announced the next step in Rhode Island’s healthcare system transformation efforts that will increase access to quality, affordable care and build healthier communities. Rhode Island has received $129.7 million in federal funds that will better position the State to […]readmore
Carla Babb JOINT BASE LANGLEY-EUSTIS, VIRGINIA — When Iraqi troops began the operation to retake Mosul last month, fighter pilots in America’s F-22 Raptor jets struck the first Islamic State targets there. But that kind of operation may be in jeopardy. The U.S. Air Force says a shortage of fighter pilots has become so dire that […]readmore
Providence – El reconocido activista y productor del programa radial Colores Y Letras en LPR murió el miércoles en Providence. Sabemos que ahora que acabas de partir a otra vida, te recordaremos a cada momento, por que eras una persona excepcional, descansa en Paz querido Amigo de la Familia de Latino Public Radio.readmore
RI – A holiday program of the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts more than 3,000 student musicians from 57 schools will perform over the next four weeks. The concert schedule Tuesday, November 29 at 9:30am, Davisville Middle School 8th Grade Strings from North Kingstown • Tuesday, November 29 at 10:30am, Western and Tiogue […]readmore
Cranston – La noticia de la muerte del líder cubano Fidel Castro fue llorada por unos y celebrada por otros. Entrevista a la familia Alvares Mirta Álvarez Y Jesús Álvarez Por WRNI1290 AM Providence y en la WEB www.lprnoticias.comreadmore
La Volvo Ocean Race anunció esta semana un cambio en las reglas para fomentar la presencia de mujeres en la flota. La vela oceánica nunca ha hecho distinción entre géneros como demostraron Ellen MacArthur, segunda en la Vendée Globe 2000/2001, o Florence Arthaud, ganadora de la Ruta del Ron de 1990, pero la realidad es […]readmore
Mark Turner cogió las riendas de la Volvo Ocean Race con la premisa de dar un nuevo impulso a la vuelta al mundo a vela por equipos, una regata prestigiosa con más de 40 años de historia pero que, sin embargo, en los últimos tiempos está perdiendo parte de la magia que tanto sedujo a […]readmore