By VOA News “We know things will get worse before they get better,” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says in a letter being sent to British households about battling COVID-19. Johnson, who is in isolation because he has the new coronavirus, also urges people to observe the lockdown and stay home, in an effort to prevent overwhelming the National Health Service and to “save lives.” […]readmore
VOA News By Associated Press BERLIN – In her first address to the nation on the coronavirus pandemic, German Chancellor Angela Merkel calmly appealed to citizens’ reason and discipline to slow the spread of the virus, acknowledging as a woman who grew up in communist East Germany how difficult it is to give up freedoms, […]readmore
Mandatory quarantine extended to anyone who has traveled to Rhode Island from another state Governor Gina M. Raimondo and Dr. Alexander-Scott today made several announcements about the state’s response to the COVID-19 crisis. Stay At Home: The Governor has issued a stay-at-home order until April 13. This means that all Rhode Islanders should stay home unless getting food, […]readmore
Eight additional cases of COVID-19 in Rhode Island As of 5PM tomorrow, all retailers and grocers must: Allow no more than 20% of stated fire capacity in the store at a time; Require staff to count the number of customers entering and exiting the store and enforce limits; Clearly mark 6’ spacing in lines and […]readmore
Massive coronavirus relief package includes four months expanded unemployment benefits and direct payments, $367 billion to aid small business, $150 billion for state and local governments, $130 billion for hospitals & health centers, an employee retention tax credit to incentivize businesses to keep workers on payroll during the crisis, & much more ***Reed, a member […]readmore
Además de exigir este aislamiento, también ha prohibido la entrada a quienes hayan estado en ciertas zonas de China, Corea del Sur, Irán, Italia, San Marino, España, Suiza e Islandia. Japón exigirá a todas las personas que lleguen desde Estados Unidos que se sometan a una cuarentena de 14 días como medida para contener la […]readmore
Audio en Español Raimondo le recordó nuevamente a las personas que se queden en casa y que continúen practicando medidas de seguridad, como que las personas de 60 años o más se queden en casa, lavarse las manos constantemente, evitar las multitudes y quedarse en casa si está enfermo. Ella dijo que una de las […]readmore
Si recibiste la invitación por correo que te indica como completar el censo, este es el momento de llenarlo. Hágalo en línea! Es la primera vez que tenemos la capacidad de utilizar el Internet para responder. Las próximas semanas son cruciales para frenar el Covid-19. La gobernadora Raimondo declaro estado de emergencia En esta época […]readmore
«Eviten reunirse en grupos de más de diez personas», pidió a los estadounidenses el presidente Donald Trump durante una rueda de prensa celebrada en la Casa Blanca el lunes. Aunque no anunció medidas concretas, el mandatario recomendó evitar «beber y comer en bares, restaurantes y lugares públicos». Trump aconsejó detener los viajes discrecionales y no […]readmore
Governor Gina M. Raimondo and Director of Health Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH today announced that customer-facing services at the Rhode Island Department of Human Services (DHS), Department of Labor and Training (DLT), and HealthSource RI will be moving to online and telephone-only services until further notice. This includes all new applications, renewals, or changes in […]readmore