Por RFI La corresponsal del semanario francés L’Obs fue notificada por Pekín de que será expulsada de China el 31 de diciembre. Las autoridades chinas se negaron a prolongar la visa a la periodista, que fue objeto de una violenta campaña de medios estatales tras informar sobre la política represiva china en Xinjiang, una gran […]readmore
Por RFI En su tradicional bendición “Urbi et Orbi”, el papa Francisco fustigó los ataques terroristas y destrucción del patrimonio histórico, tanto de París como en Oriente Medio. Además, el jefe de la iglesia católica pidió que la Navidad «ilumine los esfuerzos del pueblo colombiano» para alcanzar la paz. También celebró la hospitalidad hacia los […]readmore
En la tradicional bendición “Urbi et Orbi” (A la ciudad y al mundo) Francisco ofreció el viernes una indulgencia a los católicos de todo el mundo en el día de Navidad. Voz de América – Redacción El papa Francisco pidió este viernes al mundo unirse para terminar con los «atroces actos de terrorismo» que dijo […]readmore
Feliz Navidad! Felices Pascuas! Felices Fiestas! 401-942-3881 This year LPR’s year-end pledge drive starts December 14th and it will conclude December 31st with a goal of $30,000. Throughout 2015, LPR’s objective was to serve you and our community. We did that by keeping you and the community informed, empowered and connected by broadcasting the following: […]readmore
A British lawmaker has written to Prime Minister David Cameron, asking him to press U.S. officials for an explanation after a British Muslim family was denied permission to travel to southern California. Cameron’s office said the prime minister will look into lawmaker’s claim U.S. officials prevented the family from flying to Disneyland for a planned […]readmore
BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan – Service members from Bagram came together Dec. 23 to honor the memories of six Airmen killed in an improvised explosive device attack two days earlier. “Today’s the day I remember and honor the sacrifices our fellow Airmen made for us, our country and our freedoms,” said Special Agent Heather Garver, […]readmore
VOA News UNITED NATIONS—The United Nations Security Council is demanding all parties in Syria immediately let food, medicine and other badly needed humanitarian aid into war zones. The 15 members unanimously passed a resolution Tuesday expressing anger that those fighting in Syria have ignored previous U.N. demands, and «outrage» that the violence seems to be […]readmore
Brian Padden December 23, 2015 SEOUL—A human rights organization in Seoul that has been documenting the harsh conditions imposed on North Korean migrant laborers appealed Wednesday to host countries to intervene to protect the worker’s rights.The Database Center for North Korean Human Rights (NKDB) says more than 50,000 North Korean workers are sent overseas to […]readmore
Noor Zahid The voice of a journalist who until recently used to work at radio stations in Afghanistan’s eastern Nangarhar province can now be heard in the provincial capital, Jalalabad, and neighboring districts as the voice of Islamic State’s new “caliphate radio.” Former colleagues are quick to recognize the voice of Sultan Aziz Ezam, who […]readmore
At least 74 people are still missing after Sunday’s massive landslide in southern China that buried scores of buildings under up to 10 meters of mud and construction debris. So far two people have been confirmed killed, but on Wednesday morning rescuers found a survivor who had managed to stay alive for some 67 hours. […]readmore