VOA News London police said Thursday that they found no evidence of radicalization to suggest terrorism after a Somali man stabbed a woman to death and wounded five other people in central London. Instead, they say the attack was likely triggered by mental health issues. Police arrested the 19-year-old man in Russell Square, near the […]readmore
Maduro lo califica de «hombre valiente, combatiente con experiencia» El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, designó como ministro de Interior y Justicia al ex jefe de la agencia antinarcóticos, Néstor Reverol, acusado por Estados Unidos de estar involucrado en narcotráfico. «El récord mundial de captura de capos del narcotráfico y de golpes al narcotráfico lo […]readmore
VOA News Pope Francis has created a special commission to examine the role of women deacons in the Catholic Church. «After intense prayer and mature reflection, His Holiness has decided to institute the Commission for the Study of the Diaconate of Women,» the Vatican press office said in a statement Tuesday. The pope has appointed […]readmore
South Korea fined German automaker Volkswagen $16 million and banned it from selling 80 different models of cars on Tuesday, saying the company fabricated emissions and noise-level tests. The decision announced by the environmental ministry is the latest blow to Volkswagen, which for the past year has been dealing with the revelation it fitted vehicles […]readmore
«We would like to see America take some serious steps» against Fethullah Gulen and, while mulling Turkey’s extradition request, «put him in custody or prevent his activities» on U.S. soil, Kamil Aydin, a lawmaker from the right-wing Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) told VOA. He and three other Turkish lawmakers met U.S. officials Monday at the […]readmore
EE.UU. y Noruega trabajan en una iniciativa de desminado en Colombia a un plazo de cinco años, informó el secretario Kerry. El secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos John Kerry elogió la relación de su país con Colombia y los esfuerzos de ambos países para la estabilidad de la región latinoamericana. Al término de la […]readmore
El gobierno de Turquía pidió este martes la detención y extradición del clérigo Fethullah Gulen, quien vive en Pennsylvania y es acusado de instigar el intento de golpe de Estado del pasado 15 de julio. El ministro de Justicia turco, Bekir Bozdag dijo que la documentación explica por qué es necesario arrestar al clérigo de […]readmore
Chris Hannas Turkish forces detained 11 soldiers Monday who are suspected of attacking a hotel where President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was staying during an attempted coup in mid-July. The captures were made near the resort town of Marmaris, and followed the detention last week of several other soldiers accused of targeting Erdogan. The president had […]readmore
VOA News A group of twenty gunmen inside a police station in the Armenian capital of Yerevan have surrendered to authorities, ending a tense, two-week standoff that left two police officers dead and several people wounded. The gunmen, members of a radical opposition group, surrendered one day after police said they would storm the building. […]readmore
VOA News A Russian military helicopter was shot down Monday in northwestern Syria, killing all five people on board. Russia’s defense ministry said the transport helicopter was hit as it returned from delivering humanitarian aid to the city of Aleppo, and that the dead included two officers and three crew members. «As far as we […]readmore