What is Shower to Empower? Shower to Empower is a mobile navigation unit operated and funded through a partnership between the House of Hope Community Development Corporation (CDC), Team Williams, LLC, and the City of Providence. Shower to Empower is a one of a kind model and uniquely links basic needs such as complimentary showers […]readmore
Shower to Empower in Providencereadmore
New Brunswick, NJ—A new state-by-state report shows more young children enrolled in public pre-K programs but a troubling lack of policies ensuring the quality classroom experiences they need to get ready for kindergarten. The State of Preschool 2017 annual report, based on 2016-17 academic year data, finds states heeding the demand for pre-K and expanding […]readmore
La ex Primera dama de Estados Unidos, Barbara Bush, ha muerto a los 92 años, informó un portavoz de la familia. La señora Bush, fue solo una de dos primeras damas estadounidenses que también fue madre de un presidente. La otra era Abigail Adams, esposa de John Adams y madre de John Quincy Adams. La […]readmore
El pasado sábado se reunió un grupo de personas de las ciudades de Central Falls y Pawtucket, donde se proclamó que estas comunidades ya tienen una Voz. Es claro que nadie conoce mejor su ciudad y el estado que sus residentes, la reunión empezó con un desayuno y la bienvenida a los participantes. Estuvo presente […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – In a letter sent to the Division of Public Utilities & Carriers last week, Lt. Governor Dan McKee announced his plan to propose legislation that will further protect Rhode Island consumers who are doing business with alternate electric suppliers while protecting potential savings realized from this practice. The goal of the legislation would be to […]readmore
CRANSTON- Reynaldo Almonte, CEO, President and General Manager of Latino Public Radio (LPR) is making a direct appeal to Elected Officials in Rhode Island to support the station’s efforts to stay on the air at 1290 AM. The station is slated to go off the air on the radio after negotiations with Rhode Island Public […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Today, Lt. Governor Dan McKee reported progress in his bold effort to ensure millions in corporate tax windfall are returned to Rhode Island utility customers in the form of a rate reduction. According to a letter sent by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to National Grid on March 12, the PUC is […]readmore
(Cranston) – The Fung campaign released the following statement regarding the failed leadership of Governor Gina Raimondo and the stagnant Rhode Island economy. “Governor Raimondo claims things are getting better, but this report clearly shows that under her leadership the Rhode Island economy has completely stagnated. Per the RI DLT, the unemployment rate has only […]readmore