El presidente Donald Trump Trump insistió el lunes en que «nunca» abandonó la idea de construir un muro fronterizo de hormigón, avivando la incertidumbre generada en medio del cierre parcial del gobierno que ya alcanza su noveno día y que fue provocado por su desacuerdo con los demócratas sobre los fondos que necesita para cumplir […]readmore
VOA News/Agencias El servicio ruso de seguridad nacional (FSB) dijo el lunes que había detenido a un ciudadano estadounidense sospechoso de espionaje en Moscú. El FSB, que dijo que el estadounidense fue detenido el 28 de diciembre, indicó en un comunicado que se abrió un caso criminal en su contra. No aportó detalles sobre la […]readmore
Voz de América El presidente Donald Trump está comprometido con la derrota del Estado Islámico y ordenó ralentizar la salida de las tropas de Siria, dijo el senador republicano Lindsey Graham tras reunirse el domingo con el presidente estadounidense. Graham, quien es miembro del Comité de Servicios Armados del Senado, había pedido hace poco más […]readmore
VOA News A group of journalists will usher in the New Year Monday in New York City’s Times Square as the time-honored tradition of the annual ball drop recognizes journalism and free speech. Leading American reporters and editors will be on stage just before midnight to push the button that begins the countdown to the […]readmore
VOA News/AP LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA — The origins of a suspected computer attack that disrupted the Los Angeles Times and Tribune Publishing newspapers remained unclear Sunday after causing delivery delays and being brought to the attention of federal investigators. San Diego Union-Tribune Publisher Jeff Light described the incident as “what now seems to have been a malicious attack on […]readmore
VOA News/Michael Bowman WASHINGTON — The partial U.S. government shutdown hit its 10th day Monday, with no end in sight, as federal spending negotiations remain stalled between President Donald Trump and lawmakers heading into 2019. Trump continues to demand billions of dollars in federal spending for wall construction along the U.S.-Mexico border. Democratic lawmakers back a […]readmore
The following road and lane closure notices are effective for the week of December 29, 2018 – January 4, 2019. All schedules are weather-dependent and subject to change. Visit RIDOT’s Travel Advisories website for a full listing of statewide lane closures. Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/RIDOTnews [https://www.twitter.com/RIDOTnews] for up-to-the-minute travel information. I-295/Rte. 6 […]readmore
VOA News/Joyce Huang In China, 2018 has been a year that rights defenders worldwide say was extremely repressive, particularly when it comes to religious persecution. China’s communist party leadership has strongly defended its actions amid growing calls that its actions may constitute crimes against humanity. Those actions include the internment of hundreds of thousands – […]readmore
Agence France-Presse NEW YORK — Wells Fargo agreed to a $575 million nationwide settlement over its opening of millions of unauthorized customer accounts and other alleged predatory practices, the bank and U.S. authorities announced Friday. The agreement between the bank and attorneys general from the 50 states plus the District of Columbia covers a series of […]readmore
VOA News/Ken Bredemeier WASHINGTON — An accused Russian spy held by the United States on charges of infiltrating Republican Party circles to provide information to Moscow has reached a deal with prosecutors to plead guilty, court records showed Monday. Maria Butina, who was arrested in July and detained since then, is set to appear in a […]readmore