La plataforma Parler está atrayendo en masas a conservadores descontentos con el hecho que Twitter y Facebook les bloqueen sus publicaciones si hablan de fraude electoral o mencionan datos falsos o no comprobados. Por Michelle Quinn SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA – Cuando Twitter empezó a bloquear las publicaciones del presidente Donald Trump asegurando que hubo un masivo […]readmore
WASHINGTON— U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced today plans to implement a revised version of the naturalization civics test. The agency first announced plans to revise the civics test in July 2019. USCIS revised the civics test as part of a decennial update to ensure that it remains an instrument that comprehensively assesses applicants’ knowledge of […]readmore
Last night, a group of protestors gathered outside my family home. While they’re within their right to dissent with my public positions as an elected official, their trespass and use of illegal fireworks on my property did not adhere to the spirit of democratic debate but was instead meant to intimidate and coerce. They’re also […]readmore
CENTRAL FALLS- This Monday, Mayor James A. Diossa will welcome Mayor-Elect Maria Rivera and her transition team to City Hall to discuss moving forward in Central Falls and the process of shifting between dministrations. Mayor Diossa plans to provide Mayor-Elect Rivera with the opportunity for meetings and discussions with every department director along with tours […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Governor Gina M. Raimondo today led the state’s official Veterans Day proceedings to honor those who have served. The virtual event brought together Rhode Island’s congressional delegation, general officers, legislative leaders, and military officials to pay tribute to those who have fought to protect our freedoms. The event can be watched on Governor Raimondo’s […]readmore
By VOA News A study conducted by Britain’s Oxford University suggests COVID-19 can increase a person’s risk of developing a psychiatric disorder within three months of catching the virus. The study, published Monday in the Lancet Psychiatry Journal, indicates one in five surviving COVID-19 patients was found to be diagnosed with a mental disorder within 90 […]readmore
The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) is advising consumers to not eat Tanimura and Antle brand romaine lettuce packed as single heads due to food safety concerns. A routine sample of the lettuce collected in Michigan was confirmed positive for E. coli 0157:H7. Further analysis conducted by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services determined […]readmore
REGION I – Rhode Island will receive $47,949,475 from FEMA for materials in support of medical personnel, facilities and testing sites costs as a result of the major disaster declaration for Rhode Island’s COVID-19 Pandemic. This grant is funded through FEMA’s Public Assistance Grant program which reimburses communities for actions taken in the immediate response and […]readmore
U.S. Navy signs $9.474 billion contract with Electric Boat parent company General Dynamics to start building the lead boat of the Columbia-class ballistic missile submarine, USS Columbia, as well as advanced procurement money for a second boat, the future USS Wisconsin At 560 feet long with a submerged displacement of nearly 21,000 tons, the submarines of the […]readmore
On Thursday, November 5, 2020, members of the Major Crimes Unit arrested James A. Miller, age 61, of 94 Clyde Street, East Providence, Rhode Island and Louis Gelfuso, age 51, of 23 Floyd Street, East Providence, Rhode Island for: 1. Access to a Computer for Fraudulent Purpose.· 2. Soliciting Another to Commit a Crime.· 3. Conspiracy. The investigation […]readmore