Public Policy Professor Mark Paige: Linking employment status value-added models based on standardized test scores “is unfair and flawed” A new book by UMass Dartmouth Public Policy Professor Mark Paige warns against using standardized test scores of students to evaluate teacher performance. The 142-page book, entitled Building a Better Teacher: Understanding Value-Added Models in the […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI — General Treasurer Seth Magaziner today announced the successful launch of the improved CollegeBound program, Rhode Island’s 529 college savings plan. The strengthened 529 college savings plan features lower fees, a wider array of investment options and improved customer service for the more than 18,000 Rhode Islanders with CollegeBound accounts. «With these new […]readmore
By Carmen Russo ROVIDENCE, R.I. – During his first official week as the 10th President of Rhode Island College, Frank Sánchez hit the ground running to build ties with the campus community by paying a visit to students and staff. Sánchez, who comes to RIC after serving as vice chancellor for student affairs at the […]readmore
Harold and Virginia Lash Scholarships will support students in nursing, bioengineering, computer science, management information systems, and English By Cramen Russo UMass Dartmouth announced that the Harold G. Lash Revocable Trust has donated $1 million to the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Foundation to support the Harold and Virginia Lash Scholarships. “This generous gift will provide […]readmore
USDA, Private Partners to Restore 1,700 Acres of Young Forests in Six New England States, Enhancing Habitat for New England Cottontail and Other Species By Carmen Russo WASHINGTON, July 11, 2016 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today released a new three-year conservation strategy to help restore declining forest habitat in the Northeast, […]readmore
Providence, R.I., July 6, 2016 *– The College Crusade of Rhode Island’s Board of Directors announced that Andrew Bramson has been named President & CEO effective July 1, 2016. “We are delighted to welcome Andrew Bramson as our new President & CEO,” said Paul E. Moran, CPA, chair of the board of directors for The […]readmore
Invitados * Alison Caplan, profesora de español del Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras de Providence College * Nuria Alonso García, lingüista y directora del programa de máster en Educación Urbana de Providence College * Ylaiza Pérez, graduada en español y servicio público y comunitario de Providence Collegereadmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – At its meeting on Wednesday, May 11, 2016, the Council on Postsecondary Education named Frank D. Sánchez, Ph.D., as the new president of Rhode Island College. The Council’s vote concludes a five-month search process that began with over 40 applicants from across the nation. Sánchez, vice chancellor for student affairs at the […]readmore
LPR 1290 AM PROVIDENCE LPR’s Community Excellence Awards Gala is a couple weeks away but we wanted to introduce you to this year’s recipients. We have what we have named LPR’s Class of 2016, Foundation Builders and then there are our Future Builders. The award is in recognition of their passion, commitment, leadership, achievements and […]readmore
PAWTUCKET – El Congresista David N. Cicilline (D -RI) entrego los premios la noche del lunes en su oficina a los jóvenes ganadores. Cicilline debemos reconocer el talento y esfuerzo de nuestros jóvenes estudiantes atreves del arte. Hoy los ganadores son: en tercer lugar Abigail White, de la Academia Cristiana de Barrington En segundo lugar […]readmore