WASHINGTON, DC – In an effort to protect investors and improve corporate disclosure of material risks from climate change, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) today introduced legislation to modernize the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) industry guides for oil, gas, and mining companies. The legislation would enhance climate-related disclosures to ensure publicly-traded companies are providing […]readmore
Mayoral Fellowship Program Provides Experience in City Government PROVIDENCE, RI – Mayor Jorge O. Elorza today announced that his office is accepting applications for the 2016 Mayoral Fellowship Program. The Mayoral Fellowship Program offers full-time summer positions to students and recent graduates interested in gaining meaningful experience in city government. Mayoral Fellows work under the […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I.-Councilman David Salvatore (Ward 14) is calling on Congress to repeal an act that prohibits America’s largest health protection agency from working to end gun violence. Salvatore will introduce a resolution at tonight’s City Council meeting that urges Congress to repeal the «Dickey Amendment,» which prevents the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) from conducting […]readmore
STATE HOUSE – Sen. Juan M. Pichardo (D – Dist. 2, Providence) has proposed a referendum that would ask voters in November to approve a bond initiative providing $100 million for affordable housing. The bill (2016-S 2446) would provide for a bond referendum which would authorize the issuance of bonds for affordable housing in the […]readmore
In Wake of SEC Charges, Rep. Roberts Joins House Oversight Committee Chairwoman to Introduce Legislation to Prevent Payments to Bondholders STATE HOUSE — Representative Sherry Roberts (R-District 29 Coventry, West Greenwich) has co-sponsored legislation (H 7920) with House Oversight Committee Chairwoman Karen MacBeth, to propose a ban on making any further state payments to bondholders […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, RI – Mayor Jorge Elorza today joined by a Department of Public Works pothole team, outlined efforts to aggressively and systematically repair potholes throughout the City of Providence with the #PVDPotholeHunt campaign that encourages the community to report potholes by utilizing the 3-1-1 hotline, the PVD311 mobile application, and an online pothole tracker. «Thanks […]readmore
BOSTON – March 14, 2016 – The Baker-Polito Administration has announced grants totaling approximately $163,000 for five urban agriculture projects that will support the growth and viability of this growing sector. Department of Agricultural Resources (DAR) Commissioner John Lebeaux announced the grants at the 4th Annual Massachusetts Urban Farming Conference held at Northeastern University. «These […]readmore
Councilor Cano, Women’s Groups Celebrate Women’s History Month at Old Slater Mill PAWTUCKET – Joined by Rhode Island Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea, the YWCA RI, Day One, Quota International, Women’s Fund of Rhode Island and members of the Pawtucket Police Department, Pawtucket City Councilor Sandra Cano, hosted a celebration of Women’s History Month at […]readmore
STATE HOUSE – Rep. Gregg Amore has introduced legislation (2016-H 7141) that would allow social gaming in private residences, public taverns, and private clubs as long as there is a social relationship between participants and no person other than the participants receives anything of value. «With the March Madness beginning and several games being played […]readmore
STATE HOUSE – Sen. Frank A. Ciccone III has introduced legislation (2016-S 2689) that would create a statewide uniform motor vehicle excise tax rate. The legislation would also create a fund to reimburse municipalities that will lose tax revenue due to the enactment of the statewide rate. «There is simply no reason for the exact […]readmore