March 17 is celebrated worldwide as St. Patrick’s day, patron of Ireland. St. Patrick was born in the year 387 in Kilpatrick, near Dumbarton, in Scotland. His father was an officer of the Roman army. Irish pirates took Patrick prisoner at the age of 16 year and sold him as a slave. He spent six […]readmore
Pell for Governor Pell on Licenses for Undocumented Workers PROVIDENCE – Offering a bold platform of new ideas focused on restoring hope and rebuilding the Rhode Island economy, Clay Pell formally launched his campaign to win the Democratic gubernatorial nomination today. “It is time for Rhode Island come together, to bring in fresh perspectives and new approaches, […]readmore
Michael Solomon, candidate for mayor of Providence, and Councilman Nicholas Narducci led the Walking School Bus Wednesday at Mary E. Fogarty Elementary School, 199 Oxford Street, Providence. Michael Solomon and the Walking School Bus Members of the Providence police and fire departments joined the walk. The Walking School Bus provides routes to and from school led by […]readmore
Rhode Island KIDS COUNT hosted a 20th Anniversary Special Kick-Off Luncheon, Wednesday, January 29th, 2014, celebrating two decades of advocacy for children The keynote speaker was Marian Wright Edelman, Founder and President of the Children’s Defense Fund who is the nation’s foremost child advocate. LPR Coverage of RI Kids Count Event 1/29/2014 Marian Wright Edelman […]readmore
PROVIDENCE – Today, Michael Solomon, president of the Providence City Council, announced his candidacy for Mayor of Providence. Michael, who owns several businesses in the city, spoke before family, friends, and supporters at Building Futures in Olneyville this morning, a non-profit organization dedicated to building career pathways for unemployed Providence residents. LPR Coverage of Solomon’s Bid for Providence Mayor «I […]readmore
PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Federal, state and local leaders are expected to attend a rally Friday for comprehensive immigration reform hosted by Congressman David N. Cicilline, (D-RI) and his guest, Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), Cicilline’s office said.readmore
Rhode Island – So far five Latino politicians have announced that they are supporting the candidacy of Democrat General Treasurer Gina Raimondo for governor, according to an email from the Friends of Gina Raimondo. Providence Councilmen Luis Aponte and Davian Sanchez Sabina Matos to State Representatives and Anastasia Williams Grace Díaz join in supporting Raimondo. […]readmore
Rhode Island – With a long list of proposals, the Rhode Island General Treasurer Gina Raimondo formally announced her candidacy for governor during a rally on Monday from Pawtucket Hope Artiste Village . The Democrat was accompanied by dozens of supporters , including several politicians and Latino leaders and promised to work to improve the […]readmore