VOA News This Friday will see the rise of a black moon. And while that might sound ominous, it’s perfectly normal and probably doesn’t foretell the end of the world as some would say. A black moon is simply the second new moon, or dark moon, of the lunar month. It will be so dark, […]readmore
VOA News The Rosetta spacecraft’s 12-year mission studying a comet came to an end Friday when it crash-landed on the surface as planned, snapping photos along the way. Rosetta, the first space probe to circle a comet, was ordered to fire its thrusters for 208 seconds, slipped out of orbit and collided onto the icy […]readmore
New images of Jupiter’s north pole taken by NASA’s Juno space probe show weather and storm activity “unlike anything previously seen on any of our solar system’s gas-giant planets.” The images were captured during Juno’s first of 36 orbital flybys on Aug. 27 when the probe was a mere 4,200 kilometers above the planet’s clouds. […]readmore
VOA News NASA has released an interactive, panoramic view of Mars taken by the Curiosity Rover. The 360-degree photo was taken on Aug. 5, almost four years after the probe landed on the Red Planet, inside the famous Gale Crater. One of the most spectacular views is of the Murray Buttes. NASA says these outcroppings […]readmore
La Gran Mancha de Júpiter es un reciente fenómeno atmosférico gigantesco, un remolino causado por una gran tormenta que se generó hace tan sólo unos 300 años de antigüedad. La NASA se mostró sorprendida por las altas temperaturas que está revelando la Gran Mancha de Júpiter, denominada también el Ojo de Júpiter. Se trata de […]readmore
VOA News Deep-sea researchers aboard the Nautilus have found a strange creature lurking in the waters off the Channel Islands near California. «This unidentified purple orb stumped our scientists onboard,” according to the Nautilus website. “After sampling, it began to unfold to reveal two distinct lobes. This could possibly be a new species of nudibranch.» […]readmore
VOA News The U.S. space agency, NASA, has released a stunning 360-degree video of the surface of the planet Mars. The video was taken by the Curiosity rover’s Mast Camera on Dec. 18. “This view of the downwind face of ‘Namib Dune’ on Mars covers 360 degrees, including a portion of Mount Sharp on the […]readmore
VOA News NASA researchers say they have have spotted iceberg-like “hills” floating on a sea of frozen nitrogen on Pluto. The hills, which are seen in the “Sputnik Planum” plane inside the so-called “heart,” are from one to several kilometers across, according to photos beamed back to Earth from the New Horizons probe. NASA believes the […]readmore
June Soh Centenarians, people who live to be 100 years old are currently the fastest growing age group in the World. And the U.S. has more than any other country, well over 50,000. Living longer may be more common than it was, but living well and continuing a healthy, active lifestyle into the second century […]readmore
VOA News One of the scientists responsible for demoting Pluto in our solar system may have found a replacement. California Institute of Technology Astronomers Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin have run the numbers and say they are convinced they have found a giant planet way out in the farthest reaches of our sun’s gravitational reach. […]readmore