Block: Appointment Of Reps. Macbeth And Dickinson Encouraging

Warwick – Republican Candidate for Governor Ken Block issued the following statement on the appointment of new leadership for the House Oversight Committee. «I congratulate Representative MacBeth on her appointment as Chair of the House Oversight Committee and Representative Dickinson on his appointment as Vice-Chairman. They both have records of standing up to the political establishment and fighting against the back room corruption of the 38 Studios deal. When I was testifying to the legislature against the 38 Studios loan repayment, passed by Democratic leadership over the objections of the House Republican Caucus, Representative MacBeth was already advocating for subpoenas to make sure the people of Rhode Island got the answers they deserved. Representative Dickinson has also proven himself as an independent voice who will stand up for his constituents against the Democratic political establishment. Unlike Treasurer Raimondo, Mayor Fung, and Mayor Taveras who all contributed to former Speaker Fox, Representative Dickinson actively campaigned against him, referencing the corruption of the 38 Studios deal. I am encouraged by the appointment of these independent thinkers, who stood with the House Republican Caucus against former Speaker Fox and the 38 Studios loan repayment. And, I am hopeful that they will continue to act in the best interests of their constituents in fighting not only to get to the bottom of the 38 Studios deal, but, more importantly, to prevent a corrupt deal like it from happening again.»