
Republicans Appear on Verge of Senate Control

Less than two weeks before U.S. congressional midterm elections, a Republican takeover of the Senate seems likely, though not certain. And we may not even know for sure on Election Day, November 4. Possible runoff elections in Louisiana in December and Georgia in January mean it’s possible that party control of the Senate may not […]readmore

US Noticias

Kerry: No Deal in North Korea Prisoner Release

North Korea says a detained American was freed this week following «repeated requests» from U.S. President Barack Obama. The brief note by Pyongyang’s official KCNA news agency said «criminal» Jeffrey Fowle was released on orders of leader Kim Jong-Un. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said no deal – no «quid pro quo» – had […]readmore

Este día en la historia

This Day in History: October 7, 2003 – Arnold Schwarzenegger

On this day in 2003, actor Arnold Schwarzenegger is elected governor of California, the most populous state in the nation with the world’s fifth-largest economy. Despite his inexperience, Schwarzenegger came out on top in the 11-week campaign to replace Gray Davis, who had earlier become the first United States governor to be recalled by the people since 1921. […]readmore


US Considering Additional Ebola Screening at Airports

(Picture is the ambulance that transported Ashoka Mukpo, who contracted Ebola while working in Liberia, to the Nebraska Medical Center’s specialized isolation unit in Omaha, Nebraska, Oct. 6, 2014.)   WHITE HOUSE—President Barack Obama says the United States is considering additional measures to screen passengers for Ebola. The measures would be taken at airports both in […]readmore

US Noticias

Critics of Immigrant Detention Center Meet Detainees

LUMPKIN, GEORGIA—In the concrete block-walled visiting room of the Stewart Detention Center in Lumpkin, Georgia – one of the biggest immigrant holding facilities in the country – Salvadoran-born Nilson Flores says he’s seen many detainees sent back to countries where their lives are in danger. “They should call this place the ‘jail of broken dreams’,” he said. […]readmore


Republicans Confident as Midterm Elections Near

One month before U.S. congressional midterm elections, Republicans believe control of both chambers of Congress is now within their reach. The outcome of a handful of key Senate races around the country will determine which party controls the Senate next year, and that in turn could have a significant impact on President Barack Obama’s final […]readmore