LPR Red de deportes

Reed & Whitehouse Announce Selection Process for New RI State

10/29/2015 PROVIDENCE, RI – In an effort to support local farmers, U.S. Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse today outlined the process for ensuring there are highly-qualified applicants for the position of executive director of the state Farm Service Agency (FSA) office.  The current executive director of the Rhode Island FSA, Paul Brule, is stepping down after […]readmore


Cicilline Statement on Speaker Ryan’s Election

WASHINGTON – U.S. Congressman David N. Cicilline (D-RI) issued the following statement today: “I extend my congratulations to our new Speaker, Paul Ryan, who I served with on the House Budget Committee. Although I strongly disagreed with him on many important issues, I’ve seen firsthand his willingness to negotiate in good faith with Democrats in order […]readmore

US Noticias

Incidente en avión con destino Venezuela

El motor de un avión con destino a Venezuela se incendió en la pista del aeropuerto de Fort Lauderdale antes de despegar. El motor del avión de la compañía estadounidense Dynamic Airways que debía partir con destino a Caracas, se incendió en el aeropuerto internacional de Fort Lauderdale, al norte de Miami. El incendio, en […]readmore


US Fiscal Deal Expected to Clear Congress

Michael Bowman October 29, 2015 CAPITOL HILL—Legislation to keep Washington’s chronic fiscal battles at bay through next year’s elections and beyond is expected to get Congress’ final approval by Friday. The bill sets U.S. government spending levels for two years and raises the borrowing limit into early 2017, avoiding the threat of a partial federal […]readmore


Republicans Elect Paul Ryan as House Speaker

The Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives has elected conservative stalwart, Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan as the new House speaker. After endorsing him in a party caucus Wednesday, Republicans formally selected the 45-year-old Ryan in a vote Thursday on the House floor. Ryan received 236 of the 247 House Republican votes. Nine Republicans […]readmore


Republicans Clash Over Economy and Each Other in Debate

Jim Malone Last updated on: October 29, 2015 9:28 AM The top 10 Republican presidential contenders clashed over economic policy and, at times, each other in the third Republican presidential debate Wednesday in Boulder, Colorado. The debate was feisty from the start with Ohio Governor John Kasich challenging political outsiders Donald Trump and Ben Carson […]readmore


Killer Heat Could Become Norm in Persian Gulf

VOA News The sizzling high temperatures that sent the heat index – a combination of temperature and humidity – up to 73 degrees Celsius in Iran this past summer could become the rule by the end of the century rather than the exception, according to new research. The reason? Climate change, says a team of […]readmore


WHO Warns Hot Dogs, Bacon Can Cause Cancer

Eating processed meats such as ham, sausages, bacon and hot dogs can cause cancer, says the World Health Organization, which adds that eating red meat probably does too. The report, by the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer evaluated more than 800 studies from several continents about meat and cancer. The experts found that […]readmore