Goal responds to assertions over «Extreme risk» Bill


BOSTON- The Gun Owners Action League of Massachusetts (GOAL) t oday responded to assertions made by Rep. David Linsky (D-Natick) and others in regard to the merits of Rep. Linsky’s bill, H. 3081 An Act Establishing Extreme Risk Protective Orders. GOAL has great concerns about the due process issues and also believes that this bill falls very short for people and families of those deemed at extreme risk.

«GOAL is very concerned with all aspects of firearm safety and we work tirelessly to provide training and education to the public. We believe it is extraordinarily important to take actions and have discussions concerning mental health and firearms, but these have to have meaning and substance,» said Jim Wallace, Executive Director of GOAL. «To drag someone into court and label them an «extreme threat» and only take their civil rights away is not a path to public safety or mental health compassion. We can do much better than this, we are much better than this.»

GOAL calls on the legislature to reject this sound bite legislation and instead take up mental health legislation that will provide both care and public safety while respecting civil rights and due process. People with mental health issues deserve our help and our respect and we can do much better than this bill promises to provide.

About GOAL:
Gun Owners’ Action League (GOAL) is a 100% member supported organization
whose sole focus is to protect and restore Second Amendment rights for Massachusetts residents. We are an association of over 16,000 law-abiding citizens who believe in the Right to Keep and Bear Arms for competition, recreation and self-protection.
