Yoga pants parade in Barrington RI

Barrington RI – The yoga pants parade in response to a man’s letter to the editor that said “yoga pants belong in the yoga studio.”
Quotes from organizer Jamie Burke
The Yoga Pants Parade is a peaceful gathering in response to a recent letter (attached)
to the editor in a local paper. This movement instantly resonated with people around
the world from all ages, sexes, sizes, and backgrounds.
This parade is not about yoga pants. It is a positive response to casual sexism. It is a
march of love of ourselves, and the love and support for each other, regardless of size,
shape or wardrobe choice. It is a way for us to protest body shaming and the long
history of men policing our bodies. It is above all a march of community and love.
We have focused our energy into making this a positive event, with a donation drive to
Sojourner House, a local domestic violence agency. www.soujournerrLorg