Woman charged with breaking in to RI Attorney General’s office
Providence – On January 25, 2016, at approximately 1:50 a.m. an employee of the Office of
Attorney General’s Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) Unit heard the doorbell
to the building followed immediately by the sound of breaking glass.
The employee was working in the BCI section which is located behind secure glass in
the lobby of the Office.
The BCI employee immediately contacted the Providence Police Department. Providence
Police responded to the scene and placed the suspect into custody in the lobby of
the building without incident. She was transported to the Providence Police station.
Providence Fire Department also responded to the scene as the suspect pulled the
fire alarm box located on the exterior of the building.
Providence Police have identified the suspect as Cynthia Jones (age 45) of Warwick.
She is currently charged with one count of breaking and entering and one count of
interference with a fire alarm apparatus.