Whitehouse Congratulates Merrick Garland on Nomination to Supreme Court

sheldon whitehouse
Judiciary Committee Member Calls on Chairman to Perform his Constitutional Duty and
Call a Hearing on the Nominee
Washington, DC – Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) released the following statement
congratulating Merrick Garland, Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
District of Columbia, on his nomination for the Supreme Court. Whitehouse is a
member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is charged with considering the
nomination and making recommendations to the full Senate regarding confirmation, and
worked with Mr. Garland in the Department of Justice in the Clinton Administration.
«Congratulations to Chief Judge Garland on his nomination to serve on the highest
court in the land. He is an experienced jurist, who has shown a strong commitment
to public service. I look forward to considering his qualifications further in the
weeks to come.
«As an accomplished and respected attorney and judge, Merrick Garland deserves a
timely hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee and a vote on the Senate floor.
The Constitution could not be clearer: the President nominates and the Senate
responds with its advice and consent. Indeed, since 1875, the Senate has never
denied a Supreme Court nominee a hearing or a vote. To do so now would be to
abandon the Senate’s responsibility and ignore the will of the American people, who
rightly expect us to do our job. I hope my Republican colleagues show Mr. Garland
the respect he deserves and act on his nomination.»