Video For World Down Syndrome Day Goes Viral

An expectant mother received news that the son that she is expecting has Down syndrome, worried, she sent a letter to the organization CoorDown looking for a guide or comforting phrase. However, she never imagined what she would receive in response.
During the two and a half minutes that the video lasts, 15 young people with special needs of different European countries are responsible for reminding us that they possess the same qualities as the rest of the people and there is no reason to think that their life will be different.
In the video the young people address the mother who sent the letter, also seeking to have an impact on other people, and invite us to get involved in the campaign, through social networks, with the hashtag #DearFutureMom.
CoorDown, the national coordinator of associations for people with Down syndrome in Italy, successfully diffused the touching video for World Down Syndrome Day to be held March 21.
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