USCIS Director León Rodríguez to Welcome 25 New U.S. Citizens at the Providence Public Library

PROVIDENCE, R.I.— U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director León Rodríguez will administer the Oath of Allegiance
to 25 candidates during a naturalization ceremony at the Providence Public Library
on Nov. 4.
The Providence College Corps of Cadets Color Guard will present the colors. Adam
Bergeron, USCIS Providence Field Office Director, will perform the national anthem
and special musical selections. Welcoming remarks will be provided by Denis
Riordan, USCIS Boston District Director and Robert Taylor, Chairman of the Board of
Trustees for the Providence Public Library. Director Rodríguez will provide keynote
remarks to the new citizens.
The 25 citizenship candidates originate from the following 14 countries: Bhutan,
Brazil, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti,
India, Jamaica, Liberia, Peru, Tunisia, and United Kingdom.
Libraries play a critical role in serving immigrant communities and as host to a
ceremony this emphasizes the importance of the USCIS relationship with libraries
around the country. Since formalizing this relationship in 2013, USCIS and the
Institute of Library and Museum Services
( provide support to
libraries and museums through public information and engagement opportunities on
immigration and citizenship.
For more information on USCIS and its programs, please visit
( or follow us on Twitter (@uscis, @uscismediabos), Instagram
(@USCIS), YouTube (/uscis) and the USCIS blog The Beacon.
USCIS is asking new citizens and their families and friends to share the experience
and photos at their ceremonies on social media using the hashtag #newUScitizen.