Update on Condition of 10-Year-Old Passenger Injured in Crash on Olney Arnold Road

 Update on Condition of 10-Year-Old Passenger Injured in Crash on Olney Arnold Road

Colonel Michael J. Winquist, Chief of the Cranston Police Department, announces that the department’s Traffic Division is continuing to investigate a single car crash that occurred on March 31, 2019, at approximately 8:45 PM.  The crashoccurred on Olney Arnold Road in the area of Oakridge Drive.

The 10-year-old boy, who was the back seat passenger, had been initially misreported as being treated and released from Hasbro Children’s Hospital remains there and is being treated for significant internal injuries.

The Cranston Police Department will release anychanges in the conditionof the driver, Glenn Teolisage 47, of 15135 Bridgewater Crossing Boulevard, Winter Garden, FL, and the front seat passenger as it is received.
