Universidad Brown evalua si contrata a catedratico arrestado en operativo

Rhode Island – Un Catedrático de Darmouth College que iba a empezar un nuevo trabajo en la Universidad Brown es uno de 7 arrestados como resultado de Operación Front Page, un operativo conjunto con la policía de Coventry e East Greenwich para combatir el tráfico sexual. Stephon Alexander 44, con un Doctorado en Física vive en Hanover, N.H. Alexander enfrenta un cargo de procurar conducta sexual a cambio de una tarifa. Los acusados respondieron a los anuncios en Backpage.com Brown esta ahora revisando su decisión de contratar a Alexander
The University became aware Dec. 18 of reports of a case involving Coventry and West Greenwich police and Stephon Alexander. Dr. Alexander is not currently an employee at Brown University, but during the fall semester he was at Brown in a visiting scholar (non-instructional and unpaid) role. Because Dr. Alexander is scheduled to be appointed to a faculty position in January, Brown is engaged in a review of the incident in the context of University policies and Brown’s core values. The review does not constitute any adverse determination about the incident, and it would be premature to speak to any potential outcomes. The reported incident did not take place on or near the Brown campus, and the municipal department that handled the case would be the department to manage sharing of details.