The United Nurses and Allied Professionals (UNAP) strike at Hasbro and Rhode Island Hospital

Providence, RI – Local 5098 of the United Nurses and Allied Professionals said last attempt with Lifespan and a mediator Monday morning failed to resolve the deadlock.
UNAP nurses will be relieved at 1:30 p.m. and strike will start at 3 p.m. after negotiations with Lifespan concluded for the day Monday morning.
«This is a difficult day for all of us. Every member who walks the picket line understands what’s at stake for themselves, their families and their patients,» said Frank Sims, RN, UNAP Local 5098 President. «Lifespan is a broken system where wealthy executives make millions and front line caregivers are ordered to do more with less, and until that changes, patient care will continue to be adversely impacted.»