UMass Dartmouth STEAM Your Way 2 College summer camp holds final presentations

After two weeks of educational programming, local elementary and middle school students will present their final projects
UMass Dartmouth’s STEAM Your Way 2 College summer camp is holding its final presentations on Friday, July 19 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. in the Grand Reading Room in the Claire T. Carney Library. The event is the culmination of two weeks of collaboration between local elementary and middle school students who have been working with local high school interns, UMassD students and faculty members on projects and issues related to sustainability, energy, and food justice.
Students, entering 6th and 7th grade, are from New Bedford and Fall River and are dual/multi-language learners from culturally, ethnically, and linguistically diverse backgrounds. This free program is supported by a National Science Foundation CAREER grant and run by Professor Shakhnoza Kayumova to research the importance of positive language and science identity development. This camp is in partnership with both Fall River and New Bedford Public Schools.
Students will share the knowledge they have gained with an audience of their parents, local school district administrators, representatives from Mass Life Sciences, and UMassD staff and administration.