The Rhode Island State Victim Assistance Academy Will Hold the 11th Annual Academy at Roger Williams University July 9 to Aug. 6

BRISTOL, R.I., July 9, 2019 – The 11th Annual Rhode Island State Victim Assistance Academy, conducted by Family Service of Rhode Island and hosted by the Roger Williams University’s Justice System Training & Research Institute, will be held at the Roger Williams University Baypoint Residence & Conference Center in Portsmouth, R.I. It will be held on Tuesdays, on July 9, July 16, July 23, July 30, and August 6, 2019.
The curriculum will include: Victim Sensitivity; LGBTQ* Cultural Competence; Ethics in Victim Services; Trauma Across the Lifespan; Navigating the Justice System (arrest through parole); Victims’ Rights; overview of state and federal victim resources; Restorative Practices; Compassion Fatigue; and Self Care.
On Day 4, attendees will choose among various specialized topics to customize their educational experience, including Victimization in the Military; Cyber Crimes; Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking; Critical Issues in Addressing Domestic Violence; Immigration & Victimization; Forensic Interviewing; Child Grief & Loss; Victimization & Substance Use; Homicide Victim Response; and Victimization & Individuals with Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities, among others.
Rhode Island General Treasurer Seth Magaziner will be in attendance to discuss the R.I. Crime Victim Compensation Program on Tuesday, July 16, 2019, and Rhode Island Attorney General Peter Neronha will be giving closing remarks and certificates on Tuesday, August 6, 2019.
To register for the program, visit