Tags : Unicef

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Unicef reitera que niños tienen derecho al asilo y a

DW La Agencia de ONU para la Infancia reiteró ante el fin del Título 42 que «los niños, niñas y adolescentes migrantes tienen derecho a solicitar asilo, a ser protegidos de cualquier daño y a permanecer con sus familias». El comunicado, firmado por la directora ejecutiva, Catherine Russell, precisa que Unicef «apoya firmemente los actuales […]readmore


IBM to Provide Technology Assistance in Fight Against Zika

Reuters VOA News International Business Machines Corp. said Wednesday that it would provide its technology and resources to help track the spread of the Zika virus. The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, or Fiocruz, a leading research institution affiliated with the Brazilian Ministry of Health, plans to use IBM’s technology to analyze such information as official data […]readmore

Noticias del mundo

Unicef Declares 2013 the Worst Year for Syrian Children

The past year has been the worst for 5.5 million children in Syria in terms of humanitarian issues, said Tuesday the UN fund for children and childhood, Unicef. This figure, which is twice that reported a year ago, including nearly one million children who are trapped in places besieged by armies, without access to food […]readmore