Tags : Space Mission

Este día en la historia

Today In History: March 24 1965

The images captured by the Ranger 9 allowed it to be established that the center of the lunar mass is displaced with respect to its geometric center  On March 24, 1965 a million viewers in the United States could see live images of the surface of the moon on their televisions. It was the photographs sent […]readmore

Este día en la historia

Today In History: March 18 1965

Alexei Leonov became the first man to float in space  On March 18, 1965 one of the most important milestones in the race for the conquest of space took place. For the first time a man literally went for a walk into space. It was the Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov. Moscow television offered images of this first spacewalk […]readmore

Este día en la historia

Today In History: March 13 1969

After ten days in space, one of the most important missions in the race to reach the moon landed in the Atlantic ocean. On this day in 1969, at five o’clock, Apollo 9 splashed down into the North Atlantic Ocean, after 10 days, one hour and 54 seconds of flight. The objective of the mission […]readmore