Tags : Raimondo Builds on Commitment to Expand Clean Energy Economy

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Raimondo Builds on Commitment to Expand Clean Energy Economy

PROVIDENCE, R.I. – As part of her continued efforts to act on climate change and promote growth of a clean energy economy in Rhode Island, Governor Gina M. Raimondo joined 17 governors from across the United States to announce the Governors’ Accord for a New Energy Future [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001azHnzrkS9I5exoJXzJP3lIoo6YZ4IH5EQ2hrohVb5LeCS3LRg4bzXdwRSuuxd00NDUF3JyO-binnEZP_6QhJ17PL4xzYHy60NsFevZ7lyw2_87xjhE6Gs2Okcu1WCjSnomYfKvQcMb306f7Mkb6008r9kFukeTiY9lUML1bANf1e-fAqC6-LTlQeTxiMILaB5J1eaqG7VQw=&c=roFz98QFmHWmDyZqYhGFQnP5lFqK72b-2-JrFXm42MD4C1tMwpwWBg==&ch=qjgN6tBa6readmore