Tags : Florida

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Niña migrante de 8 años muere bajo custodia de EE.UU.

DW – Es el segundo menor de edad que muere en menos de una semana en circunstancias desconocidos en poder de las autoridades migratorias de Estados Unidos, el primero fue un joven de 17 años procedente de Honduras. La Patrulla Fronteriza en Harlington, Texas, informó sobre la muerte de la niña migrante. Una niña de […]readmore

Comunidad LPR Noticias LPR Red de deportes Noticias Noticias del mundo Política Salud US Noticias

Un juez de Florida vetó medida de Biden que permite

DW – Un juez federal de Florida ordenó dejar sin vigencia temporalmente una medida que permitiría la liberación de ciertos inmigrantes indocumentados que ingresan por la frontera mientras esperan el trámite. Migrantes cubanos en busca de asilo llegan a Stock Island en la Florida El fallo responde a una demanda del Gobierno de Florida que […]readmore

LPR Noticias US Noticias

DNA and a Fingerprint: How FBI Found Bomb Suspect

VOA News/Associated Press WASHINGTON — In the hours before his arrest, as federal authorities zeroed in and secretly accumulated evidence, Cesar Sayoc was in his element: spinning classic and Top 40 hits in a nightclub where he’d found work as a DJ. As he entertained patrons from a dimly lit booth overlooking a stage at the […]readmore

LPR Noticias US Noticias

Death Toll From Hurricane Michael Climbs to 11

VOA News Residents and rescue workers in Florida and other southeastern U.S. states were in the midst of recovering Friday from the devastation inflicted by Hurricane Michael, the remnants of which have moved out into the Atlantic Ocean. Before it swept out to sea, Michael claimed at least 11 lives after making landfall Wednesday as […]readmore


Florida Seeking Federal Aid to Combat Zika Virus

VOA News Officials in Florida are asking the federal government for help combating the outbreak of Zika after identifying 10 new cases of the disease over the weekend in a 2.5-square-kilometer neighborhood near the state’s southern tip. Federal aid Governor Rick Scott took the step after the U.S. Centers for Disease Control warned pregnant women […]readmore


Florida Zika Cases Trigger Alarms in Washington

Michael Bowman  VOA News Zika-carrying mosquitos are believed to have reached the U.S. mainland, with at least four cases of local transmission reported in Florida. U.S. health officials sounded the warning on Zika months ago, and confirmation of its arrival prompted a new round of finger pointing between Democratic and Republican lawmakers who have yet […]readmore

US Noticias

St. Petersburg albergaría consulado cubano en EE.UU.

VOA News Miami y sus alrededores, donde se concentra la mayor cantidad de cubanos en Florida, han sido descartadas por razones políticas, pues la poderosa comunidad cubana está en contra de albergar el consulado. La ciudad de St. Petersburg parece haberse impuesto sobre Tampa, ambas en la costa oeste de Florida, como futura sede del […]readmore

US Noticias

2 Killed in Shooting at Florida Nightclub

VOA News At least three people have been detained after a shooting at a nightclub in the southeastern U.S. state of Florida that left two people dead. The motive for the shooting is not clear, but police said in a statement «this incident was not an act of terror.» Officials say at least 17 people […]readmore